SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 13-02-2013
Kishore Kumar

During 1985-1986, I was, on a pilgrimage, visiting holy places in North India. When I visited Kedarnath I happened to have the darsan of a Swamiji, whom I did not knew or seen before. On having His darshan I started getting vibrations throughout my body, into my nerves and I started sweating. He blessed me and told that I will have good times ahead. I could not understand His words at that time.
After the pilgrimage, I returned home, and sometime later, while watching the television, I was fascinated to see a Holy Musician performing at a musical concert. While listening to His music, unknowingly tears were rolling down my face and I became mesmerized; I could not control my emotions. Then much later, in 1992, I attended the Ugadi festival in Hyderabad, where I had the darshan of Sri Sri Sri Ganapati Sachchidananda Swamiji.  During the program I was having the same vibrations as I had before, in Kedarnath. Then I understood that this Swamiji is the same that was in the Himalaya, on television and in Hyderabad.
As I have had these experiences I wanted to become close to Sri Swamiji so I started doing volunteering and I was able to accompany Sri Swamiji on many of His tours. This gave me a lot of bliss and satisfaction with many experiences. When I did seva in Mysore and other places I would have a strong desire to hear His speeches, but because of my duties I never got the chance to listen fully, However, eventually when I got to listen to His speeches somewhere I would realize that I had already heard and know those speeches, which means with seva itself I could learn internally and influenced.
Sri Swamiji, in His speeches many times have said, “I would answer you directly or indirectly and bless you” which is very true, as this happened to me many times. In that way I had many experiences and developed more faith in Him with more devotion I learnt many things spiritually. Once, while I was working in Kurnool, Sri Swamiji gave a musical concert in Vishakapatnam. I had gone there to do volunteering service and was assigned to the Guru Nilayam. I was a little disappointed that I was able to hear His speeches being so far from the hall. For three days the program was going but I had to stay at the Guru Nilayam, however, I was happy that at least I had His darshan every morning, before He started, and in the evening after He completed His programs.
There was a lady staying nearby to the Guru Nilayam who would share her problems with me during those days. I used to explain about Datta Deeksha to her, and told her that it would be helpful if she follows that deeksha to get rid of her problems. She tried to have the darshan of Sri Swamiji during those three days but she was not able. Finally I advised her to request owners of the house to help her; telling her that as a volunteer I could not do much.
 On the last day, at the completion of the program, before leaving she came to me and said that she spoke with Sri Swamiji. I was surprised, she said that house owners took her to Him and as they were about to introduce her, Sri Swamiji stopped them and told her “I have told you all these days what to do, so follow them you will be alright.” I was shocked that Sri Swamiji used me as an instrument to guide her and I thought I was blessed for this janma and felt very happy. All my dissatisfaction of not listening to His speeches went away and I got so much satisfaction that I and cried and cried and cried; this was an unforgettable experience.
During a program, in Kakinada, I was volunteering as an escort to Sri Swamiji. When the program started another volunteer, who was backstage, and I, went away from the venue. It was very dark and we had gone a great distance. My partner had gone to use the bathroom and I was standing there thinking about Sri Swamiji. Suddenly a van stopped on the other side of the road. Looking at the van I saw Sri Swamiji sitting in the driver’s seat and smiling at me, I could not believe my eyes. I started shivering, and my body was vibrating; I could not even stand. I became numb and started praying to Him.
When my partner returned I was speechless, I told him I have seen Sri Swamiji in the van, but by the time he came back He had disappeared, I could not walk for some time and both of us silently prayed to Him. After some time I started walking towards the stage and I could hear Sri Swamiji’s speech; he was saying, “If you want darshan, pray with devotion. Just now a few people had my darshan at the back of the stage; they prayed to Rama and Krishna and they had darshan”
 After listening to this speech I cried and felt more mesmerized. In this way, Sri Swamiji is letting us know that He would be there with us every minute and wherever we go. There are many incidents in my life which helped me spiritually. Although I did not have many chances to speak with Him directly, in many ways he has taught and answered me indirectly. He blessed me so I am always very happy.
During a Pada Pooja, Sri Swamiji asked me “what do you want?’ My wife was trying to ask Him for me to get a transfer to Hyderabad from Kurnool, but I stooped her and I told to Sri Swamiji, ‘according to your will only, I will follow.” Then He said, “in Kurnool district there is not much seva to do.” I was happy with His words, and at the same time He said, “if you wish for a transfer, you will get it.” I told Him that I will work according to His will. Sri Swamiji then blessed me and gave me a ring.
The next morning I lost the ring and although I searched everywhere I could not find it. I prayed to Sri Swamiji and after a short search I found it in my pocket.  Later, when I met Sri Swamiji I apologized to Him by saying that I was sorry that I lost the ring, but He said that it was okay. However, at that time I did not realize why He had given me that ring. Ultimately I started doing seva through organizing satsanghas, bhajans, and other activities in Belgal district where lots of devotees would attend.
The District Manager, of Canara bank, used to come to these satsanghas and my uncle took the opportunity of recommending me for a transfer to Hyderabad. The DM told me that I shouldn’t worry as he was making the arrangements for a transfer but there were some minor difficulties. Early one morning, while I was sleeping near to Sri Swamiji’s photo, I got a dream in which I saw a light emerging from the ring, and later the flames merged into Sri Swamiji’s photo. When I awoke the place and the photo was the same as I got in the dream I became scared. I was thinking that I might have made some bad mistakes so I got this dream.
This ring was given to me by Sri Swamiji more that one and half years ago and now I am getting this kind of dream. To my surprise, and after sometime, I got a phone call telling me that I got a transfer to Hyderabad. I was surprised that, at the time, when the flame merged with My Master’s photo, I had gotten the transfer; everything was decided before hand, by Him, and after that the light merged with Him.
Sri Swamiji’s importance and His miracles cannot be justifiable explained; these are oceans. My mouth, mind and heart are too small to tell and anything I say is also insufficient. My wife and I are doing bhajans of Sri Swamiji in the Twin cities, with His grace, and every minute He is blessing us and saving us. We are forever grateful to His Holiness Sri swamiji for abundantly showering His blessings on us
Jaya Guru Datta


