SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 02-02-2013
Kandarpa Siva Rama Krishna

In 1967, while I was doing studies towards my first year graduation, I met my Sadgurudeva, Sri Sri Sri Ganapati Sachchidananda Swamiji. I accompanied my father and his friend, P. Mythreyi; one of His earliest devotees, who used to look after the kitchen works. My father was encouraged, by his friend, to meet a very noble and holy person, in the form of her Guru. Our minds were filled with anxiety, although we did not know what to expect.

At this was my first visit I was surprised to see the devotion of the devotees; everybody was closing their eyes and seemed to be mesmerized with His darshan and His glory. They were covering their faces to prevent the spread of their breath towards Him; I was surprised to see their attention and care. I too became mesmerized and was enjoying His bliss and blessings. I could not distinguish if He was a God or a human. All I did was stared at His form. After ten years, in 1977, I again met Sri Swamiji under different circumstances. My father had fallen ill and was bed ridden so I went seeking some cure for his ailment, however, shortly afterwards he passed away.

One year later, I got a temporary job, teaching at a high school. During those days Sri Swamiji used to stay in Vijayawada for not less than forty days at a time. I was fortunate enough to get some vacation during His visit so I went and stayed there all day and participate in all the events. I continued like this for ten days, then at the end of the tenth day Sri Swamiji asked me “Who are you? What do you want?” With those words I became emotional and tears started rolling down my faces, I thought that I didn’t even have His compassion even though my father had just passed away.

I replied saying that, “I came to get some spiritual knowledge; Moksha.” After some time Sri Swamiji asked me “Where are you working?” I said, “I am working at a high school as a temporary teacher.” Then He made a promised that He will look after my job. At that time I did not understand what He meant, by looking after my job. I even admitted my weaknesses. Later, I was able to overcome, my hardships, with His blessings.

At the end of the academic year, as I was a temporary employee, my service had to be terminated then I should formally reapply. To my surprise I got permanent position, as one of my colleagues left the school and joined in some other college. Only then I was able to realize Sri Swamiji’s words “I will look after your job.” This was my first experience with Him. After that, every year, during Sivarathri I would visit the Mysore Ashrama and I used have lots of positive changes in my life when ever I see Him.

I had great changes to my spiritual life also. Whenever I start doing mediation, for the first few minutes or so, I would be conscious but later I would go into complete Samadhi stage. This is not be possible without the grace of my Guru, Sri Swamiji. This is a boon I got from Him in 1982. After that whenever I think of or meet Him I used to be blessed; something which I cannot express in words.

While I was working as a teacher, there was a position that a colleague and myself applied for. It was a promotion from the position we were in. Both of us started competing heavily for the post as the position would bring prestige to the holder. The school management asked us to get it resolved, even if it means going before the courts. I did not like that idea so I went to see Sri Swamiji and put the situation at His Feet. He said “ you need not go to the courts, you will get the promotion.” I was surprised that just after fifteen days I got the promotion order. This was a gift my Guru gave to me. Guru’s love towards a devotee is such a way that even without asking he gives us everything. I got Sri Swamiji’s grace in many ways. Not only will He give us training but also He will give us blessings.

I have a nephew who was working in Kakinada. For five years, after his marriage, he had no children. They got all the treatments necessary and tried different methods; finally giving up feeling contented with their lives without children. During some function Sri Swamiji came to Machilipatnam, and I told my nephew to pray to Him for peace of mind. My nephew met with Sri Swamiji and asked Him for peace of mind. Sri Swamiji said, “At this age you are asking this?” And He gave a fruit as prasadam to his wife. Not long afterwards they were blessed with a child, and after the birth they came to Sri Swamiji for His blessings.

My father’s friend, Sri N.V. Rajarao was a yogi doing tapas since 1944. He used to meditate for at least four to five hours per day. I met him during my childhood and he influenced me to meet Sri Swamiji. I used to ask him many questions about yoga and meditation, so he sent me to Sri Swamiji. After seeing Sri Swamiji I saw Sri Krishna, my favorite deity, in Him. I think Sri Krishna Himself has appeared as my Guru, In this way I was attracted at His first darshan itself .Even now I feel the same.

These are my experiences and there are lots more in my life. I am doing seva in the Ashram Administration and all things are going well, beyond my capacity. It’s not my capability; it is true that I am instrumental and Sri Swamiji is doing all this. According to me, Sri Swamiji is not somewhere; He is in me. Spiritually I am realized because of Him. Sri Swamiji made me instrumental in working in this Machilipatnam Ashrama along with some helping hands, so He is taking care of me; not only spiritually but also in a materialistic way. Jaya Guru Datta

He is the Supreme Conscience: i.e., “SUDDHA CHAITANYA"
