SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 06-10-2012
Michael Gurudas James, Trinidad

We are born as individuals, and we are taught to identify with the objective world, in the context of consensual acceptance. However, there is the preponderance of certain elements in the make-up of each individual which takes precedence in the development of every person and finds expression as the individual grows. The preponderance is responsible for the likes and dislikes in expressions.

In order to give reasoning for this, I cite one opinion; that of the Hindus and the doctrine of their souls taking successive births in order to work out the accumulated Karmas of previous births. This notion brings forth the encounter of three souls; Sri Sri Sri Ganapati Sachchidananda Swamiji, Mr. Anthony Alphonse, and I. What started out with humble and honest beginnings grew into a colossal organization absorbing the souls and minds of many persons who all claims to have spiritual endeavors.

Firstly, Sri Parama Poojya Swamiji is an enigma and cannot be calculated in mundane terms. However, His works can be seen on the mundane level, as He beckons His devotees to the higher plane. This works is describable; He is indescribable. As a young man growing up in Trinidad, I had the yearning to explore the unknown. As a result I became involved in occultism and mysticism. I understood that there was a far greater force to that which we were allowed to know. A few friends and I were involved in the reading of tarot cards as a way of finding these unknown. To our amazement we found that one card, the magician, kept surfacing. Our knowledge was that this represented ‘the greater good’.

Our search got started. During this time the preaching of Sri Sathya Sai Baba was taking a big hold on the Trinidad populace. Satsanghas were being held all over the country. We all attended these satsanghas and were thrilled at the way things were happening. Somehow, as much as we tried, we couldn’t see ‘this greater force’.One day, a member of the group, Anthony Alphonse, a young man of Afro-Trinidadian descent, in his early twenties decided that he wanted to go to India and search for ‘this greater force’. Anthony quit his job and went to India in 1975. Because of his experiences with the Sri Sathya Sai Baba satsanghas, he readily went to the Puttaparthi Ashrama. There he didn’t find his calling, but he was given direction. He was advised that a young Guru was gaining prominence in India and His Ashrama was in Mysore.

While in India, Anthony got married and was traveling all over the south. Finally on arriving back to Bangalore, the home city of his wife, he remembered the direction of the devotee in Prashanti Nilayam. He then discussed with the family, and he and his wife set out to Mysore to visit this Guru. In his short stay there he was mesmerized to find that ‘the greater force’ that for which he searched existed in this place in the form of Sri Sri Sri Ganapati Sachchidananda Swamiji.

With excitement Anthony returned to Trinidad and with a few persons that he knew, he organized for the physical introduction of Sri Swamiji to Trinidad. Those persons that were instrumental were; Mr. Roderick Noel (late), Mr. Basil Pitt (late), Dr. Dianan Chandool, Sri Krishna Kishore Persad (late), Mr. David Balroop, and myself. On August 14th 1976 the primordial Guru set His Body on the soils of Trinidad. It was a joy to all of us as we were witnessing the re-establishment of the King Purusha to His Kingdom. The foundation was set and the doors were now open for the introduction to His subjects. The Trinidad Gyana Bodha Sabha was formed.

Witnessing what we had earlier encountered as the spiritual premonition of this Maha Purusha, we did not hesitate to receive this Great Spiritual Giant, Sri Sri Sri Ganapati Sachchidananda Swamiji, into the parameters of our psychological/spiritual framework. Seeing His physical stature, I immediately had the mental confirmation that this was the ‘Greater Force’ that was sustaining all of creation.

In the chain of spiritual events in my life, every link fits almost perfectly; from the séances that revealed the visits of Sri Swamiji to Trinidad to the many visions that I have had of a spiritual being. A being that will be my guide and mentor; one who in my belief is the head in a hierarchy of divine beings and is equipped with the tools of spiritual development.

Inherently, my relationship with Sri Appaji is that of a paternal nature. During His visits to Trinidad or whenever I would travel to India there is always a sense of compassion from His presence. There is no doubt that He is the guiding light in all my endeavors; in all trials and tribulations. He is the expert draughtsman who understands the all the intricacies in the blueprints of my everyday existence. He is the prime remover of all obstacles.

My humble advice to true seekers of the spiritual path is that they should find a Sadguru as His Holiness, surrender to His Feet and follow His instructions, making all the efforts you can and your success will surely emerge. Jaya Guru Datta.


