SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 05-10-2014
Madhuri Tiwarie, Vadodara

In 1990 I used to work, as a teacher, in the basic school with Ms. Rama Devi, an ardent devotee of Sri Ganapati Sachchidananda Swamiji. During the recess period she would tell me about her Guru, from Mysore. Her conversations were such that I would sit and listen to her without questioning. Amazed at what she used to relate to me I started telling her, that these discussion are so beneficial for everybody so we should invite all our colleagues, at her place or my place, and tell them about Him.
Before this I had never seen nor heard of Sri Swamiji, but His life seemed so different to others. I wanted to learn more and so I wanted other to do the same. Rama Devi was enthused by my request and she invited a few people to her house. However, only about six persons came and she started telling us about the power and compassion of Sri Swamiji. She showed us some music cassettes and said that He heals people through His music. She informed us that if we intently sit and listen to His music any disease that is present in your body will be healed.
After hearing these things I took interest in Him, and we met frequently to discuss about Him. Every Sunday, it became a habit for us to gather to do yoga and hold informal discussion with Rama Devi. During and after these meetings we were all experiencing relief from our ailments. At that time my legs were almost paralyzed so I couldn’t walk. I would go there and sit on a chair for the whole program. Rama Devi gave a cassette on Inner Healing and I used to take my medication and listen to the tape. Slowly I was able to lift my legs and then I started to walk. I attributed this to the blessings of Sri Swamiji, although I had not seen Him by then.
We were told that Sri Swamiji wanted to come to Vadodara to perform in a musical concert. During those days, there were just a few of us and we had little money. The concert was going to cost a lot so we thought that we should beg for donations. Because He had given me back the use of my legs, I thought that I should do something in return for Him. Every day after school I would go from house to house asking for money for the project. At many places people were giving different amounts and at the end I collected more that seventeen thousand rupees. Some homes that I went to, the people were chasing me away, insulting me and sometimes even spitting at me, but in my mind, I had to do this. I wanted to see Him so much.
When the time came and He arrived in our city, I went to see Him. Lots of devotees were crowding around Him so I stayed far back in a corner. Then He looked at me and smiled; at that moment I felt a jolt of current rushing through my body and I couldn’t understand what was going on. I observed Him moving His lips but I couldn’t hear what He was saying, but I could identify that He was calling Madhuri, Madhuri. Then Rama Devi came and held my hands and took me to Sri Swamiji. When I came in front of Him, I realized that he was blessing me and I became numb.
Rama Devi said that Sri Swamiji wanted to give me something, but I was unable to stretch my hand forward. Then she lifted my hand and He placed a Rudraksha mala in it. My body was shaking and I was crying uncontrollably. I thought that I heard Him saying that all through the time that I was collecting, He was with me. I never said a word nor was I able to touch His Holy Feet, I was just stunned. I never saw a mala in His hand but He gave one to me, as if by magic. That mala is still in my puja room. Then He said to everyone, “See this lady here, she is the one who brought me here.” Since then I daily write, without fail, ‘Sri Datta’ in a notebook.
Then one day Rama Devi asks me to accompany her to Mysore to have the darsan of Sri Swamiji there. I told her I will go if my health permits, but my daughter, Swathi, said that she will take me there. At Mysore I sat in the public area but He saw me and called me by my name. Later I came to realize that there was a bond between us for many generations that cannot be broken or shattered. I am His and He is me.
Once my grandson met with an accident in Chandigarh, and till today no-one knows what happened then. Swathi got a call that her son had met with an accident and she needs to come and take him away. When she got there and saw the condition of the boy, she thought that it was impossible for her to take him back to Vadodara. Somehow he had fallen from a rooftop terrace and no-one saw anything. Anyway, after three years he was doing well and every chance that he has he will go to Sri Swamiji. Such is the grace of this benevolent Guru.
I have been to Mysore only one time and I don’t have the need to go there. If I follow His words and do His work, that’s all He needs. Why should I go and bother Him. I do my poojas, write my japa and think of Him only. There is no need for me to go to Him. He met me and He knows me, I have full faith in Him only. If I have or do not have problems I still pray to Him. There is no need to run and try to touch His Feet; He is everywhere, even sitting with me now.                                                        Jaya Guru Datta
