SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 27-10-2012
Agastya Seikritt


The separation itself is like a pain, it is like a disease that needs to be healed by him. The true disease is; that we human beings feel separated from our creator; from our own inner self with the divine self. That He made me the promise that He would take me to that place made me fully commit.

I thought, now that I have a Sadguru, my life would be easy, but it was not so. There have been many obstacles in my way and there has been a lot of friction but my strong bond to Sri Swamiji has allowed me to overcome it all. Sri Swamiji is a great master in creating confusion and friction which in itself is bliss. We should not run away from our problems but face them in this game of illusion. These walls are so thick that it needs a big hammer, and He is the only one who can break these walls of ignorance. It is the greatest gift and blessing to have a Guru who can break these walls.

I feel as though I have won the biggest lottery in this world because everything can fail, but the love of Sadguru is always with us. This is the true pillar; the true backbone in our life, our breath; our everything. My words are not enough to praise Him. I think of Him and renew my love to Him every day. Sri Swamiji is the only thing in my life and I wish He will stay that way until my last breath. Whatever I can do to help Him, to serve Him, is bliss. It does not matter if it is cleaning a toilet or sweeping a pathway. We should not calculate a result for that which we are doing; the doing itself, the worship, the presence,   being with Sri Swamiji is in itself a Moksha. There is no path to Moksha; there is no path to happiness. Happiness is the way, and he teaches us to be happy every day.

In fact, I consider being unhappy in the presence of Sri Swamiji, a sin. What is sin? Sin is just separation, it is nothing bad, it is that state where we feel separated. I think it is a great misery to look at Sri Swamiji and not feel anything; to look at such a great master and not feel His bliss, His vibration. Our duty is to tune into His energy because He is a huge radio station with very high frequencies and we should tune our little radios so we can get the right program. We listen to so many different non-important programs when Sri Swamiji has the best program. We just have to tune into that program and when we do, life becomes very smooth and one big miracle.

I have studied the bible and a lot of what I have read in the bible has become the truth; only by my association with Him. That means that it is so precious that a Saint, Sadguru, Avadoota, whatever title you want to give him, appears as a Hindu, but He is not. He is a manifestation of truth in whatever religion you follow. Religion for me is something that gives back the version of the true source, of my roots, an experience of freedom. It is not the experience of limiting a person, or controlling a person. Religion is not a sheet of dos and don’ts. I believe that no one needs all this because what is right or wrong can be found if we look into our own heart. This is my personal belief that I have developed with my own personal association with Sri Swamiji. We just have to look at Him for He is the example of truth. He does not talk a lot but his presence is our lesson.

The Bhagvad Gita, the Bible, the Quran, all the holy books are in Him; all the planets and the stars are in Him. I see and dream of Him as Ganapathi, as Dattatreya. He is so alive. He is not illusion. The gods are there but we just have to open our eyes to see them and to come into contact and unite our own selves with them and the final truth. Sri Swamiji is the path and the way and the final goal. He wants us to have Bhakti which is divine love. We must develop divine love through devotion and service, and then knowledge will come.

There is an ocean of knowledge in this universe. He wants us to have knowledge of the soul and knowledge of the self and when this comes all is well and then maybe we have reached something that is beautiful and we are going to the planet from where He has come.

Jaya Guru Datta.
