SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 20-04-2013
Bala Reddy

I am a Telugu Pundit from Anantapur, retired from the Municipal High School, after thirty-five of service. I had my first darshan of His Holiness Sri Sri Sri Ganapati Sachchidananda Swamiji in 1973, but that time it did not made much of an impact on me. For me, He was just an ordinary spiritual being moving in time. Later, while He was visiting the Anantapur Ashrama, during the ‘Gnana Sagara Prathista’, as I was walking in ‘nethra darshan’ queue, Sri Swamiji appeared just beside me and looked deeply towards me. I was surprised, but with that vision from Him I had lot of energy transmission.
After having ‘Gnana Sagara’ darshan I went back home and I found myself in bliss with His energy. My body, my heart, my pulse and everything came to a peaceful state and since then every morning and evening I would go to Gnana Sagara Temple. When I didn’t go I used to feel a great loss. During that time there was a devotee, Mallikarjuna Shastry, who is of my age, who would come every morning to the temple. He used to observe me and I was surprised about what he had to say.
After five days, he came, greeted me and told me about his sankalpa to the Gnana Sagara Temple; that he wants to collect some money for Sri Swamiji. He also said that that kind of sankalpa is coming in his mind only by Datta Guru’s grace. He encouraged me, saying that we both can do this seva. In my mind, I felt there are so many senior and other devotees who are doing this kind of seva, so before starting this work we should get permission from Sri Swamiji.
Mallikarjuna Shastry, a sturdy devotee, approached Sri Swamiji’s brother, Nanjundappa, in regard to this aspect. Nanjundappa was happy to help and along with him we went to Mysore to seek the permission of Sri Swamiji’s. After listening to our proposition Sri Swamiji gave His permission and blessed us. An auspicious day was chosen for the start of the project, before which we made a condition to ourselves; that we should only ask people whom we both like, even if one amongst us does not like a person we should not ask them. With this in mind we started our seva. After receiving some collection we deposited that money in bank; even the bank staff offered money for the seva. In total we were able to collect seventy-two thousand rupees. We covered almost seven hundred houses in the whole town to collect this amount.
When Sri Swamiji came to Anantapur for Jayalakshmimata’s Jayanthi, we got a chance to meet Him and we gave the money as a bank form document. Sri Swamiji felt happy, accepted our work and gave His blessings. He then gave Poorna Phala prasadam to each of us. Seeing Sri Swamiji in His joy, we were also very happy. After that we started doing seva in Bommeparthi ashram.
There is another incident that happened in March, 1989. One day in the Gnana Sagara Temple, after the programs were completed and all devotees had left, only Sri Swamiji, the priest and I remained. I was doing some volunteer service when Sri Swamiji called me near to Him. He suddenly gave me “Swasa Deeksha”. I felt as though I was fainting and I got mesmerized. I felt so blissful and contented
After this I started having doubts whether He is a Guru for my lifetime or not; for I wanted Him to be my Guru. I thought that I should go to Shirdi and ask Sai Baba about my dilemma, wishing that Sri Ganapathi Sachchidananda Swamiji should be my Guru. In this way I went to Shirdi, I went into temple and had darshan of Sai Baba, while receiving His blessings, all I could see and feel was the presence of Sri Swamiji there. I felt happy and cried for more than half of an hour continuously.
In this way Sri Swamiji after giving energy transmission through His Swasa deeksha, He also rectified my doubts regarding Guru and gave His darshan at Shirdi. Since then I am completely immersed in His seva. Even now I have energy from His “Swasa Deeksha”. Whenever I go to any religious or holy place, I feel so happy, contended and peaceful. But if I happen to go any bad place I realize it instantly and immediately I would leave that place.
Six years before this incident I met a Digambara Swamiji who was visiting at my friend’s place. He called me near to him and gave me Swasa Deeksha. Again after one week I went back to him, but this time he shouted and scolded me. When I bend down to touch his feet, he kicked me away and I emotionally fell apart. Later I understood that he has given me some energy through his swasa deeksha, but I could not keep it due my sins; I lost that energy, so by kicking me he kicked my sins. Six years later I got this opportunity from Sri Swamiji, and by His grace I was able to keep this energy even till now. In Dhyana Yoga I use this energy with His blessing and all the programs get completed easily.  It is the greatest state.
Even now I do not have interest in materialistic things. In 1992, at the Bommeparthi Ashram, after completion of a program, four volunteers remained. Sri Swamiji called us and asked us to wish for anything. Three members made their wish and left with only I remaining. Initially I do not want to wish anything, but Sri Swamiji knows everything. He asked me to wish for anything, then I asked Him to bless me to be in yoga state when my soul is leaving my body; without saying a word He then blessed me with His hand.
With these three incidents, I have definitely received energy transmission. Even if I pray to Sri Swamiji from afar I would feel so happy and I will do all the work and seva without any obstacles. During His presence we should surrender to Him mentally. He will be there with us always and gives His blessings; this happens to me daily. I want to be at His Feet always for He is always guiding me in my life path, in a spiritual way; even in my food habits, my thinking, and in every instance, He is with me. If I commit any mistakes He will correct me immediately, and I can visualize the scene when He is scolding me. I know it to myself; I cannot even explain it to others.
I like going to the graveyard for walks in the evenings. Once while returning from my walk it became dark and intuitively I made a sankalpa to “Datta Parameshwaram” saying that this graveyard with its vairgya, how can I do yogam and when can I get energy. I was thinking in this way, and then suddenly I could see behind me, a sixteen year old boy clapping his hands and dancing. I was surprised; I got goose bumps. I just turned and bowed to him. I felt that Sri Datta had blessed me directly. Sri Swamiji is always there with me for my life goal; to obtain moksha in any way through Japa, Mantra, Bhajans, yoga etc; He is always along with me.
 I am always in His seva. If I do not go to Bommeparthi ashram I feel as if I lost something. Sometime I would share some divine thoughts with other devotees and I would explain about Sri Swamiji and Jayalakshmimata to new ones. Once, when Sri Swamiji came to Bommeparthi Ashram, while passing us, we all bowed to Him and did namaskarams and on His return we also did namaskarams. Then He said, “You do namaskarams only one time, which is enough”.
In 2005 I suffered from Chikungunya, an insect-borne virus that is transmitted to humans by virus-carrying Aedes mosquitoes. My family members also suffered from the same disease, and I felt that if I could recover I will be able to take care of them. I did sankalpa, in my mind, and prayed to Sri Swamiji for His protection. During the mid afternoon an extraordinary large person with a big mustache came for alms and asked “Roti Dehi”. I gave him some rotis and he went away. Later my body pains reduced. He took the rotis and purifies us by taking away this sin. I understood that He is none other than our “Lord Datta”. Jaya Guru Datta
