SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 04-06-2017
Vanara Gita 54: Pancanga (almanac) identifies the good and bad time-slots during a day

The holy text Srimad Bhagavatam outrightly condemns that a mouth, which does not sing the glories of the Lord, is not a mouth at all! Only that tongue which sings the praises of Lord Hari, is the real tongue, it says.

It is nothing but the taste of nectar that is contained within the name ‘Hanuman’. After an in-depth analysis of all the Vedas and of all the scriptures, our ancient seers have finally concluded that the taste contained in the recitation of the divine name of the Almighty transcends every other taste.

The tongue that otherwise enjoys varied food tastes, fails to appreciate any taste when the body develops fever. Yet, even under sick, diseased and disturbed conditions, the tongue continues to enjoy the taste that emerges out of the recitation of the divine names! In fact, during troubled times, this recitation turns even tastier. The person is inclined to conduct more nama japa during such troubled times. Nama japa (recitation of divine names) turns out to be a medicine for troubled times. Thus, this taste cuts through all situations and all times. Nama japa is a divine medicine that smoothens the future journey.

Golāngūla praises Lord Hanuman in the following verse-

Kuto durdinam vā kuto bhouma-vārah

Kuto ydhṛti stasya bhadrā katham vā

Kuto vā vyatīpāta-dosha kshutam vām

Hunumat padadhyāna vīta subhasya.

Meaning- Where is the question of having an inauspicious day, where is the need to scan the almanac to locate an auspicious time, star (nakshatra), yogam and karanam to that person who has washed away all his impurities through the worship of the feet of Lord Hanuman? Such a person need not fear anything; for every moment is only an auspicious moment for him.

Tuesdays are commonly considered inauspicious for any new beginning. The almanac is scanned to locate the planetary position (star) and auspicious time (yogam) ideally suited for the task on hand. The Rahu-kalam and yama-gandam timings during the day are considered unfavorable for starting many tasks. A cat crossing the path, or the person sneezing before the start of the activity are also treated as inauspicious sentiments. Golāngūla declares that the person undertaking Hanuman’s errands need not entertain such sentiments. To them, every task will be rendered auspicious.

The almanac is used as the basis to identify auspicious and inauspicious timings within any given day. To be rendered successful, a task should compulsorily be taken up with absolute purity in body, mind and speech. This is known as Trikarana shuddhi. As it is impossible to retain the mind and the speech under total control, the almanac is studied to identify the good and the bad time slots during the day. Keeping this in mind, if the task is taken up with total purity of body, it is accomplished successfully.

The real truth is that the divisions such as good and bad times are non-existent. Time is an endless flow. Nevertheless, only when a task is taken up in accordance with time, it is rendered successful. A fruit that is plucked only when it is fully ripened is useful.

Likewise developing knowledge about time is of utmost importance. Based on their experience, our knowledgeable ancient sages have established various time slots that are suitable for various activities in daily life. This declaration of theirs is known as the almanac.

As it has in it 5 primary constituents (limbs) such as the tithi (day as per the lunar fortnight), vaara (day of the week) nakshatra (prevailing star), yogam and karanam (other divisions of time involving astronomical calculations), our daily time is classified as Panchanga (5-limbed).


Om Namo Hanumate Namaha.
