SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 04-06-2017
Vanara Gita 50: Hanuman recollects divine powers only when glorified

Seeing the crestfallen faces of the Vanaras, Jambavanta said, “O Vanara heroes, have you forgotten Hanuman the best amongst us? Look, there he is, seated on that rock far away, with his hand upon his head, lost in his thoughts. Perhaps he is contemplating about Rama. Let us approach him”.

The Vanaras now observed Hanuman, who was seriously engaged in chanting Lord Rama’s divine name. Jambavan approached Hanuman and said, “What is this, Hanuman? Why are you seated so far away? While all the others are engrossed in serious discussions about crossing the ocean you are lost in your own thoughts”. To this Hanuman said, “Even I am waiting for them to fly to Lanka. But they only seem to debate, none of them makes any serious attempt.”

Jambavanta reassured Hanuman, “Hanuman, why do you speak thus? Do you know your capacities? If you make a firm resolve, within minutes you will cross and reach Lanka. Get up! Recollect your capacities. You are so courageous, you are full of valour, you possesses limitless might, your intellect is very sharp.” In this and many more ways, Jambavanta ensured that Hanuman recollects His capacities.

As Jambavanta was thus saying, Hanuman stood up and made a firm resolve to reach Lanka. Had Jambavanta not praised Hanuman in so many ways, at that time, perhaps Hanuman would never have attempted to cross the ocean. He reminded Hanuman of his unique, unsurpassed abilities.

Jambavanta, who possesses such wisdom, teaches us through this hymn the essence and power that exists within the name ‘Hanuman’.

Om Namo Hanumate Namaha.
