SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 03-06-2017
Vanara Gita 44: Worshipping Hanuman destroys mental impurities

Dadhimukha ran to Sugriva complaining about the damage that the Vanaras had caused to his garden. Sugriva could not control his happiness upon learning of these developments. Addressing Dadhimukha, an ecstatic Sugriva said- “No one can enter this garden that has been gifted by Lord Brahma himself. If Hanuman has been able to gain entry into it, it is confirmed that he has successfully completed Rama’s mission”.

Thus, Hanuman’s actions were an intimation of the good news that was to shortly arrive! It was now confirmed that Mother Sita had been located. The vast garden Madhuvana, consisted of thousands of bonsai plants and was secretly tucked away in a valley between two mountains. Bonsai plants existed even in that period of time. Hanuman was very well aware that this garden belonged to Lord Brahma and hence it should not be trespassed into. Yet, if He had entered the garden, it was obvious that in the elation of having been successful, he had done so. Sugriva consoled Dadhimukha in many ways. He said - “Did you presume them to be ordinary Vanaras? If so, you are mistaken”.

After this incident Dadhimukha found out in detail the astonishing accomplishments of Hanuman. He realized that Hanuman was a divine energy and from then on Dadhimukha developed feelings of devotion towards Hanuman. He emerged a great devotee of Hanuman. He felt remorseful that he stopped Hanuman from entering the garden. All the great saints present there extolled the greatness of Hanuman. Dadhimukha realized the truth in the words of the great seers that there is no God greater than Hanuman. With a view that this message should reach one and all, Dadhimukha composed this hymn.


Sudhamstra, the Vanara, glorifies Hanuman in the following hymn-

Mangaam hanumannityam mangaam kapi pungava

Mangaam cānjana sūnno mangalam raghavapriya.

Meaning-  May Hanuman be eternally auspicious! O hero of the Vanaras, may you be eternally auspicious. O son of Ajnana, may auspiciousness always come to you! O darling of Rama, may you emerge auspicious at all times!

Mental impurities are totally washed out in those who ardently worship Hanuman. Peace reigns in them. New enthusiasm sprouts within them. As Hanuman is none other than Karyasiddhi Hanuman, tasks taken up after offering Him due worship always turn out to be successful.

The mental tensions and sorrows of both Rama and Lakshmana vanished the moment they met Hanuman, for the first time, on the banks of the River Pampa. They felt greatly reassured that their task would be successfully completed. All this could happen just by seeing the complete form of Hanuman! Lakshmana said to Rama, “Dear brother, our troubles and sorrows have all ended. We will emerge successful.” Rama and Lakshmana experienced profound mental peace.

It was the association with Hanuman that bestowed Sugriva with peace and auspiciousness. Sugriva could remain alive even when his enmity with brother Vali was at its peak solely due to Hanuman’s grace.


Om Namo Hanumate Namaha.
