SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 03-06-2017
Vanara Gita 41: Only a person who lives for others' welfare is truly fortunate!

Hanumān anjanā sūnuhu, vāyuputro mahābalaḥ

Rameśtaḥ phalguna-sakaha pingākśoh amita vikramaḥ

Udadidkramaṇas-chaiva Seetaśoka vināsanaḥ

Lakshmaṇa praṇadāta ca dashagrivasya darpaḥ


Spiritual aspirants have to face numerous tests in the path of their spiritual pursuits. The life story of Hanuman contains in it answers to them all. Further, with Hanuman’s grace, the aspirant enjoys a very smooth spiritual journey. If spiritual efforts are undertaken together with the re-capitulation of Hanuman’s life story, recollection of His form and remembrance about Him, then Hanuman will ensure that all the hurdles on the spiritual path are simply blown away.

Securing Hanuman amounts to securing everything in life. There is no need to bother about obtaining other accomplishments. It is enough if he were to be just by our side and cast one glance at us. Hanuman could earn so much blessedness (dhanyata) not because he mastered these supernatural accomplishments but purely because he sincerely executed all his Lord’s tasks.

There is absolutely no sacredness in leading a selfish life. Selfish persons are limited to satiating their own needs and filling their stomach. Their thoughts, worries and cares are wholly centered towards achieving their personal goals. They remain like a frog in the well.

Like a tree or a river, he who lives only for others is truly fortunate (dhanya). A tree or a river- what wonderful examples have been selected here! Even the Mahatma (great being or saint who lives for others) has been excluded from this list. The tree gives away every part of it, be it a fruit, leaf, flower in the service of another, to such an extent that even after it sheds its life, its trunk is useful to others. Through its shade it provides a great resting place. Likewise the river supplies us the water for our sustenance. It supports our life.

Hanuman, who lives exclusively for the benefit of others, is truly blessed (dhanya). In Hanuman’s opinion, the bird Jatayu, which gave up its life trying to protect Sita from being kidnapped, was a very fortunate being. Sampati, the brother of Jatayu, however opined Hanuman to be a very fortunate being.  Salutations to the Son of the Wind, who is very fortunate and who ensures that his devotees are bestowed with such blessedness-  is the intent behind this hymn (shloka).

There is no end to describing the qualities of Hanuman. Rameshta is the fifth name in this shloka. Rameshta has two meanings. The first is ‘he who is very fond of Rama’. Secondly, it means ‘he, whom Rama considers extremely dear’. Both are correct in this context. The first interpretation is true because Hanuman’s world exclusively consists of Rama; His entire speech and thoughts are occupied in chanting Rama’s name. At times it appears as if Hanuman does not know to speak anything apart from the topic of Rama.

The second interpretation is that Rama is very fond of Hanuman. Yes, to Rama, Hanuman is his life essence. To emphasize this, Tulsidas in his Hanuman Chalisa has used the phrase- kaha bharat sama tum priya bhayi. To Rama, both Hanuman and Bharata are brothers. In other words, Rama treats Hanuman at par with Bharata. Treating Hanuman at par with Bharata and addressing him as His brother both have a profound significance.


Nāsai rog harai sama pira, japat nirantara Hanumat veera - Mere thinking about this outstanding hero Hanuman is adequate to drive away all the problems. It grants good health too.

Sankat se Hanuman chudāvai, man krama vachana dhyana jo laavai -the ardent devotees of Hanuman are relieved from all the hurdles and problems of life and are bestowed with good health.

Hanuman is the future Brahma (creator). The story goes that Hanuman once went to the abode of Brahma and fetched from there, a ring for Mother Sita. Presenting the ring to Her, he bowed in all humility. This is an extraordinary feat performed by Hanuman and has a very unique place in his life story. Also he emerged successful from a test that was imposed upon him. Returning from Brahma Loka means to overcome illusion in entirety.

Lord Rama, in immense happiness, addressed Hanuman and said- “Hanuma! You have secured the grace of Lord Brahma itself! You have returned from that abode called ‘Brahma loka’ which can neither be thought about, imagined nor described. You have overcome illusion (maya). My blessings are eternally with you. Many a times in the past, I had asked you to seek any boon.

Being over and above the desires, you have never sought anything from me. You are totally freed from desires. You have favoured me in many ways. Not one or two, but in limitless ways you have always helped and served me. How many ever boons I were to shower upon you, they will fall grossly insufficient in regard to your service”.
