SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 01-05-2017
Vanara Gita 30: Hanuman doused the fire burning in Sita’s heart

Sadguru Hanuman has taught the world to live selflessly and solely for the benefit of others.

At the time when separation from Rama and being held in the captivity of demons was like a huge fire within which Mother Sita was burning, Hanuman poured the nectar called Rama Katha and doused the fire. Sitting atop the tree, he sang the life story of Rama, which was like cool nectar to her who was drowned in unbearable grief. This incident highlights the presence of mind, the wise intellect, skill and talent of Hanuman.  He handled this situation very deftly and skillfully. Within minutes the fire raging in Sita’s heart was doused.

The visible fire (chita) burns down a corpse but the great fire called worry (chinta) eats up a person when living. What a mountain of difference exists between the two!

Such worries can be plucked out only by the doctor called Sadguru. He showers coolness upon his devotee and dispels all the inner sorrow. Here Hanuman, in accordance with the requirements of the situation, sang the story of Rama and doused Sita’s grief.

With the intent that the person who caused this grief to his mother Sita should be taught a lesson, Hanuman destroyed the Ashoka Vana of Ravana. Not content with this, he decided to burn down the entire city of Lanka. He destroyed the entire army that was sent to capture him. He transferred the entire worry that he had taken away from Mother Sita, to Ravana. Ravana was now burdened with the worry that Rama would arrive any minute and that he would be killed. From that minute, Ravana knew no peace. After achieving this great feat Hanuman peacefully left Lanka. With great humility He approached Rama and said ‘drshta Sita’ (I have seen Sita).  With these two words, Rama’s worries simply vanished.

By crossing the ocean, Lord Hanuman, thus dispelled all the anxieties and worries from Sita, Rama as well as from the entire Vanara army, and transferred them to Ravana. Obeisance to such a great Lord Hanuman!

The next hymn is composed by Nala, the great Vanara-

Namā myaham vāyuja pādapankajam karomi ta dvayuja pūjanam sadā Vadāmi vātātmaja nāma mangalam smarāmi vayūrbhava kīrtnam śubham

Meaning-  At every moment I bow at the lotus feet of the son of the wind, at all times I worship Him; eternally I utter His auspicious and pure names and perpetually I contemplate upon His divine glories.

The Vanara army consisted of crores of vanaras. How to take so many warriors across the ocean to Lanka? This problem was weighing heavily on Rama’s mind. At that time, the Lord of the Ocean, Lord Varuna appeared and suggested that the abilities of Vanara Nala be utilized to construct a bridge across the ocean. The verse ‘Nalam setu makaarayat’ appears in Valmiki Ramayana, which means, Rama utilized the services of Nala to build the bridge across the ocean to Lanka. Nala played the most critical role in the construction of the bridge.


Om Namo Hanumate Namaha.
