SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 01-05-2017
Vanara Gita 23: The three classifications of body, individual soul and Supreme Soul (very important)

Stating about himself, Hanuman openly declared that when seen from the body’s perspective (deha buddhi) he was a servant of Rama (Rama dāsa); from the conditioned soul’s perspective (jeeva buddhi)  he was an aspect of Rama (Rama amsha) and from the Self’s perceptive (atma buddhi), he himself was Rama!  This may sound confusing however a very significant essence is hidden behind this statement!

What is meant by the terms- deha buddhi, atma buddhi and jeeva buddhi? The term deha means body. It means at a physical (gross) plane he is a servant of God and hence physically he will complete all those tasks that please his master Lord Rama. Towards this, He empowered his body and carried an entire mountain in service of His Lord!

His inner being (individual soul, jeeva) is born out of an aspect of Rama. From this angle, he is an aspect of Rama. Going still deeper, when seen from the Self’s perspective, he himself is Rama!

There are 3 important concepts to be learnt here. They are the deha (body), jeeva (individual soul) and atma (cosmic soul). These three classifications exist within each one of us.

In this prayer, Mainda himself declares that he is born out of an aspect of Hanuman. He states this from the soul (jeeva buddhi) angle. His prayer to the Lord is- ‘O Lord, bound by your order, I have been born as Your partial aspect. The sense organ known as the mind instigates me towards good deeds as well as the bad deeds. I offer all my deeds to you.’

There is a very deep lesson to be learnt here! Please listen carefully again and again. Only then this subject will seep into the mind. In just 4 sentences, Self-knowledge is being given in a very easy to understand manner. All the Upanishads merge into these 4 sentences. A powerful invaluable lesson that is essential for this entire world exists within this prayer.

The mind is also a sense-organ (indriya). This sense organ prompts and pushes the person towards good as well as bad deeds. The person executes the actions as directed by the mind. For this reason, Mainda states- thus in my actions, my influence does not exist. I offer my actions in entirety (good and bad) to you and pray that all my actions should be pleasing to you.

It is a normal practice to offer only the good deeds to the Supreme Lord. After having been born as a human, committing mistakes is inevitable. Human life is full of mistakes. In order to avoid repetition of the mistakes, it is said that ‘Pāpa bheeti, daiva bhakti’ should co-exist. ‘Pāpa bheeti’ means ‘fear of sin’. ‘Daiva bhakti’ means ‘love towards God’. It is Hanuman who blesses us with both of them.

Hence Mainda offered both the good and the bad deeds to Hanuman. ‘śubhāśubha parityāgi’ means to offer in totality, to the Supreme God, the good results as well as the bad results (fruits) of all the actions performed. Only such person is Yogi. Such a person has not been addressed as a ‘bhakta’ but as ‘Yogi’ (saint).

We should strive to reach this state of saintliness. We should practise to give 100% of the fruits of our actions to Hanuman, and request him to lead us in the right path.

We have so far understood the 3 sheaths that envelop us. Service to the Lord should be offered in all the sheaths. This physical body ruled by the senses (indriyas), should be utilized for offering physical service to the Lord. Towards this one should have the belief that he is the servant of the Lord. Be it sweeping the premises or washing the clothes, the attitude should be of total service. Every action should be offered to the Lord. This itself is supreme lesson.


Om Namo Hanumate Namaha.
