SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 08-04-2017
Vanara Gita 16: How to inculcate good tendencies? Why do we sing the glories of the Lord?

Through listening to the stories of God repetitively, a person can cultivate excellent samskaras (good tendencies). That is why it becomes even more important to occasionally organize Bhagavad sabhas wherein glories of God are extolled. Encouraging children as well as the public to participate in it, leads to development of good tendencies within them all. In addition, good and healthy knowledge will sprout within them.

Children who are exposed to healthy stories will develop a desire to increase their stock of good traits. The term good traits do not refer merely to some merit that will be earned. Even to survive in this worldly life, possessing certain amount of good traits is essential. Children will imbibe such traits. Our scriptures (shastras) state that one should praise the good traits of even the enemy!

In Hanuman, good traits such as devotion towards the Lord (bhakti), attitude of sacrifice (tyaga, renunciation), adherence to the rules of righteousness (dharma), prowess and might (pratāpa), blessing others (anugraha) are in abundance. He possesses unlimited good traits. By glorifying His good traits the good traits within us begin to sprout. The beggar who begs from the rich man is sure to obtain some coins at least. If we go and beg a scholar he is sure to impart a little knowledge to us. Likewise if we sing glories of Hanuman some good traits of His will be imbibed by us! Just as the tiny worm imprisoned by the bumble transforms into a bumble bee, some of His qualities will be imbibed by us.

When we glorify the Lord, there is no further need to specifically pray to be blessed with good traits. It is automatically understood. With this intent, Sushena sought that in every birth he should be given a chance to ‘sing the glories of Hanuman’.

The third prayer of Sushena relates to Pāda seva i.e. offering service at the lotus feet of the Lord. One can offer service at the feet of the Lord only when the Lord permits. Without Hanuman’s grace and permission, it is impossible to even touch the feet of His idol. If so, then how difficult it will be to offer Him services?

Never underestimate an idol. An idol that has been properly consecrated breathes with life. It is wrong to treat it as a lifeless stone. We are able to concentrate and focus completely on that idol only because it is duly consecrated.

Our Lord Hanuman eternally serves the feet of Lord Rama. Hence He is not very keen that others should hold on to his feet when he himself is serving at Rama’s feet. As such not everyone can easily touch his feet. That is why Sushena explicitly begs for pāda seva in every birth of his. As this cannot happen without the Lord’s blessings He openly prays to the Lord to bless him with this chance in every birth.

Often, we say- O Lord, I offer obeisance at your feet. All these are in reality, mere verbal statements. We have not acquired the ability to hold on to the Lord’s feet. We should put in efforts and acquire this ability.

Om Namo Hanumate Namaha.
