SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 25 Dec 2020
Vanara Gita 04: Dhyāna shloka 2

Yet another dhyana shloka of Hanuman is-

Sanjīva parvotōddhāra mano dukha nivaraya

Praseeda sumahabahū trāyasva harisattama. 

Meaning- O Lord who lifted up the Mountain Sanjeevini! Please relieve me of my mental afflictions. O Lord who possesses mighty arms! Please shower your grace on me.

It is a common understanding that Hanuman lifted and carried the Mountain Sanjeevini to revive Lakshmana, who was injured in the battlefield, and to thus bring about joy and happiness to Lord Rama and Lakshmana. The truth however is that in bringing this mountain and in reviving Lakshmana, he destroyed the mental sorrows of every being present there.

Sanjeev refers to prana (life force). The intellect (buddhi) and actions (karma) attach themselves to this life force. Hanuman is the Lord who lifts up this life force (prana, sanjeeva) and thus dispels all mental afflictions of the being. Here the prayer is- O Lord, you could life the sanjeevini mountain itself. To such a powerful Lord, how large can my distress be? Please relieve me of my mental distress.’ Once mental afflictions are eliminated, all that remains is devotion (bhakti).

The second line in the hymn refers to His mighty shoulders. Shoulders and arms are symbolic of protection. They rescue the person in distress. Here, the prayer is – ‘O powerful Lord, with your mighty arms you could destroy all demons. Please hold me too with those arms’. In other words, it means please shower your grace on me and rescue me.

It is said that the war between Rama and Ravana is beyond all forms of comparisons. When a person is asked draw a parallel to this war, he will say ‘Rama-Ravana war is like Rama- Ravana war itself’. No other war is equivalent to this. Likewise this Vānara Gita is beyond comparisons.
