SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 2019-06-18
Tripura Rahasyam - Day 1

Discourse of HH Sri Ganapathy Sachchidananda Swamiji – Sri Devi Navaratri Day 1 – Oct 1, 2016

Many people say they want a permanent house, a permanent car, a life partner for ever, a child and so on. How can it be a permanent one ? No one asks per permanent devotion. The word permanent itself is temporary. There is nothing permanent. Everything is temporary. A true thing that is permanent would not be asked as that is truly permanent. We only crave for temporary things. Then, what is permanent ? Though we know it is not forever, we fall into illusion. A desire, a taste, a beauty, a cry or a smile – nothing is permanent. No one wishes for a permanent sorrow. Some people though they don’t wish for it, they keep crying for something or the other forever. They don’t know how to laugh and enjoy. They don’t attempt to be happy.

A child cries for a doll and becomes stubborn for it. Once she gets the doll in hand, she plays, breaks its parts and throws it away and becomes happy. But, she doesn’t use it permanently. If she really wants it, she should take care of it. The same stubborn child becomes happy in few minutes. What made her happy ? What brought such instant change in her is what we need to ponder upon. What brings satisfaction to us and what doesn’t ? We need to identify this. Where does this satisfaction lies ? Is it in our mind ? In our body parts ? In our intellect ? Or is it in our heart beat ? Where does it lie and where is it gone ? After some time, we forget our desire. Then, where is it gone ? Many people have great devotion on God. Suddenly they forget and develop enmity. Then, where is that devotion gone ? The feeling that you had yesterday why is it not there today ? What is true and what is false in this ? The devotion that was there yesterday – was that false ? Or the enmity that developed today is false ? What makes us happy and what gives us vairagya ? It is not mind nor body neither intellect. Then what is it ? You feel hungry. You eat food and say ‘aha’ after satisfying your hunger. What makes you say that ‘aha’ ? Again after sometime, you feel hungry. Who gave that hunger ? Knowing about all this is Atma Tatva and every man should strive to know this to gain liberation. We are born for this. This birth is given to gain this knowledge. But we forgot about it. It is like a student gets admitted in a course, develops unwanted associations and ignores the course which is the main purpose of his admission. What was his intention and what was the route taken by him ? Is your desire of doing the course is true or the bad associations you developed is true ? What is true and what is false is what we need to ponder upon.

We only think of getting married, producing children and die. There is no other goal for our life. We get married, produce children, then think of their education and growing up, wish for a good job for them, then get them married and their children and the circle continues. What are we losing in this process ? Is your child born as per your desire and was he born on his wish ? To know all these secrets, we need to know Tripura Rahasyam else we cannot know.

Only Guru can help you know these secrets. This is Atma Tatva. Man is born to learn this. From our birth to our death, it is a big college. We are all studying in this college. Paramatma bestowed this college for us. This is Karma Bhumi – a place where we need to perform all actions. We are just getting along but are not focusing on the main purpose of our birth. We have taken numerous births to know this Atma Tatva, not just one birth. Still we are not attempting to learn this in this current birth also.

We get our children married by forcing them. Later if something goes wrong, we don’t bother for them. Everyone tries to escape. No one supports a boy or a girl who doesn’t want to marry. They say you must get married and produce children. They create an awkward situation. Is Grihastashrama or being a householder wrong ? Definitely not ! But why to force a person who is not interested in it ? Do it for those who are interested in it. The child is selecting her life. Why do you bother for it ? It is a sin for you forcing them to get married. You are responsible for their troubles and you have to face them. You cannot escape from those troubles. Hence, it is said that being an alliance broker is the worst profession. There is no greater sin than this. In my view, this is one of the five ‘Maha Pathakas’. You will know this if you read Karma Upasana Khanda in Harischandra upakhyanam book. Why should you force someone ? Why can’t you leave them for their fate ? Wash away your hands and be happy. Don’t get involved in it. The world is changed. Humans don’t behave like humans. Their minds are changed. The thought which is there now changes in the next moment. Humans are filled with lust, anger, ego, pride and insult. We are growing these day by day. This should go from us. You must rise to the state of offering your life to God or Guru. If Guru says something out of anger, you feel insulted. If you take this to your head, there is nothing greater than this. But we don’t. We take it as an insult. If you understand this, you will understand Tripura Rahasya.

So far, whatever I spoke was the state of Parasurama. There is nothing new that I spoke. Since Parasurama has all these traits, he committed sins. He obeyed his father but couldn’t escape from his karma. He preferred obeying his father and was ready to face his karma. Now let us talk about Tripura Rahasyam. Lord Dattatreya’s entry into this is significant. Though He directly didn’t get involved, He bestowed Atma Gnana through His disciple.

Today let us try to know a little about Devi’s rahasya. Compare every chapter, every incident to yourself. Only then, you can understand. This is called Upadesa or initiation. These are not stories. You must experience it, feel it and live in it. See yourself in every character. Only then, you can remember it forever.

Tripura Rahasya starts with a question – What is permanent happiness ? In order to propagate Dharma, someone must abuse Dharma. Only then, someone else will become furious about it and will start propagating. This is reverse engineering. In Uttara Pradesh state, some people praise Ravanasura. Others become angry and will start praising Rama. This is a technique used by Sadguru to teach His disciples. This is visible in Tripura Rahasya. This is true Upadesha. Then what about other casual words of Sadguru ? They are also Upadesha.

Time is very precious for me. I don’t want to waste it. Even if I scold you, it is removing some karma of yours which came across numerous births. You cannot understand that. You feel insulted. Hence, you are not eligible to be my disciples. I come to this opinion then and there. Things appear rude to you. But I’m removing your karma. I descend myself to your level to remove your karma. This is my karma. But I do it happily because I was ordained by Parashakthi. I’m happily doing it. I don’t care even if you struggle. I have to do it. A child is to be given an injection as medicine for fever. Will you do it or not ? This is also similar to that. Many people say why Swamiji is talking like this ? I will just leave such people. I don’t bother for them. I only ask their well being casually. My heart doesn’t care for them. I only treat them like normal human beings. They don’t get place in my heart. Tripura Rahasya talks all these. Since I know all this, I behave with you like that. I don’t behave like humans giving you human relationships such as brother, sister, aunty uncle etc. Society, friends etc are not in my vicinity at all. I only see you and me. Just both of us. If you accept this, you will win if not you will see your downfall. I will still keep watching you. Once you reach a certain state, you must not fall down. Read and listen to Guru’s stories. You will understand all these.

A mother scolds a child only for her well being. I don’t want to give cheap examples. By drinking Ganga water, I say you get liberation and what if you say there is bacteria ? Ages ago, even scientists have proved that Ganga water cleanses. If that’s wrong, millions and millions of people take bath in Ganga. Then what about the quantity of its bacteria ? It makes the sea poisonous. Ganga has the power to take your sins. So I once again tell all of you. Remember, if you lose the chance, it is difficult to get it back. I will be nice with you. I don’t see your faults. All are equal for me. I keep saying, may be some bad time for them. Let them have good times ahead. If that doesn’t happen, it is their karma. Why should I curse ? Only the mother knows which child needs what. Only a doctor knows what a patient needs. Like a gold smith, who puts to fire and makes a nice ornament, I wish to turn all of you into beautiful ornaments. If you say, don’t insult me, I don’t mind leaving you. What can I do ? I wish to raise all of you to a higher level than me. If my disciples misunderstand me, why should I bother ? I have been searching for one good disciple. I didn’t find one such person. You all are just devotees and friends and relatives. These are all the words of Samvrthana Maharshi in Tripura Rahasya.

It is our story. Tripura Rahasya is Sri Ganapathi Sachchidananda Swamiji Rahasya. Nothing else. Just names are different and times are different. I wish to talk about the Moola grantha of Tripura rahasya.

To know about Mother Goddess, we need to know Tripura Rahasyam. Devi Saptasathi also talks about her. Some Puranas also explained about her but if you need to know extensively, it is possible only through Tripura Rahasya. It is a conversation between two. This is a secret. You will understand if you ponder over this. But through whom can you know ? Do you know about Navavarana Puja without Swamiji introducing it to you ? You all have come here for a solution to your problems. Swamiji has turned you towards Him and attracted you towards Mother Goddess with pujas etc and explained the tatva of mother goddess. So, now, how did you come to know that tatva ? It is through your Swamiji. Right ? What if I give solution to your problem and send you away ? Will you know this tatva ? No. Because, you don’t interact with me much. In that case, will you be able to know the tatva ? Will you know the bhajans ? Will you know who is Siva ? Will you know the Puja procedure ? You will just watch aarti, go home, eat and sleep. Nothing more than that. If I don’t create all these, you can never know Atma Tatva.

Tripura Rahasya also originated through someone’s conversation. Others are learning about Swamiji’s tatva. You all do not know. You are just sitting here. That’s it. You don’t even attempt to think about it. You don’t own me. No one can question even if I get up and go. It’s my wish. Who is insulting? Who is being insulted ? Tell me. What is an insult at Guru’s abode ? You are not maintaining a society here. You must forget everything in Guru’s presence. Only then, you have the eligibility to be there. I don’t need to tell all this. An idol only after receiving numerous hits from the sculptor, takes the right form and becomes eligible to be worshipped in the temple. Before shaping it, it was lying down there. Do you know how many births you have taken to come here ? Do you know how much the rays of your sins fall on me ? Every time you prostrate, do you know how much it increases my responsibility ? I don’t feel happy that so many people are bending before me. Every namaskara you do, increases my responsibility towards you. If someone doesn’t prostrate I feel happy that I don’t need to take their responsibility. Do you know my problem ? All this is Guru Rahasya is also Tripura Rahasya. When Bala Swamiji came to me this morning with this topic, I felt happy to get a chance to unveil this. I didn’t touch this topic all this while. Now Mother Goddess created this circumstance. Good. This is just an index. Like you see your reflection in the mirror, you need to see yourself in all the characters to understand Tripura Rahasya.

Do you think it is a child’s play with Swamiji ?. You must be scared to even talk to me. I’m fire. I’m telling you the truth sitting on this Vyasa Peeta. I’m like Jwala Mukhi. I kept it inside. I’m living for your sake. I want to give you something. You all came to me. You may have desires but atleast a few should be having spiritual desire. I’m caught in your love. I’m not able to come out of it. I can though.

O Mother ! You are known by Tripura Rahasya. You are dear to Siva. You are the form of Gowri, Laxmi, Vani. She is described in these forms only. Like how a small child is given a dish of her choice first and make her eat, Mother Goddess also is described in the forms that we like. But she is not these three forms. She shows mercy on those who are Satvik by nature. Since Lord Siva has this, she likes Him. Siva is bola shankara like your Swamiji. He doesn’t have any negative thoughts in His mind. Your Swamiji doesn’t have anything in His mind. I even forget the bhajans I wrote. I forget names. Entire Ramayana will be there in mind but I forget Rama’s name. I don’t have any dirt in my mind. You carry it in yourself. It is not dirt. I gave you a soap to clean yourself. Mother shows her leelas through auspiciousness. She doesn’t show leelas directly. O Mother, who ever has your grace keeps growing in life. Growing is not financial growth or fame. Who wants that ! He grows in satisfaction. O ! Mother Girija ! You are the form of Guru. Please show your mercy on me. May my devotion on you remain till my end ! This is what we need to seek. We only ask for children, money, houses, promotion. O Mother, may my mind remain on you forever and ever in any kind of situation. YOu are form of Sachchidananda. I’m serving you.

Jaya Tripure Mataha !
Jaya Balambike Pare !
Jaya Bhaktha priye nityam !
Jaya Karunya Vigrahe !
Jaya Sri Tripure Mataha !

During this Navaratri, let us all try to know sri Tripura Rahasyam as taught by Lord Dattatreya !

She is all pervading, in atma, buddhi, shakti, indriyas and all over. She is in the form of Yoga Shakti. She resides in Ida, Pingala & Sushumna Nadis.

Pondering over Tripura Mata yields Atma Gnana and liberation. Moksha or liberation is only after gaining Atma Gnana – knowledge of self. Many do not attempt to gain atma gnana. They ask for Moksha. It is not a dosa that you get in a canteen. Where do you get moksha ? How do you get moksha ? Many do not know the tatva of moksha. It can be gained only after Atma Siddhi – self attainment.

Worshipping Mother Goddess gives auspiciousness. True. But that isn’t enough. You must know the tattva. By serving her, singing her glory all wishes will be fulfilled. These are all petty things. You gain knowledge and will be liberated. By writing her names, you get good education. These are all related to Karma or action. Worshipping her is also Karma. Performing Homa is Karma. The energy of Jeevi in all the three forms of Gross, subtle and casual forms is called Tripura Shakthi. Knowing about Her is Atma Gnana. This is the top most education. There is no one to teach this. We are living in the karma theory and dieing in that. This leads to rebirth. Hence, Gnanis refuse these karmas but only after performing them. Tripura is the one who removes 3 types of sorrows. The body is full of millions of germs. This is karma body. It has to be overcome by Karma alone.

Tomorrow we shall talk about Parashurama.
