SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 29-08-2017
Shatashloki 35: The Lord’s illusiory energy incarnated as Seeta, a woman of unparalled beauty

Janakasya kule jātā deva māyeva nirmitā

Sarvalakṣaṇa sampannā nārīnā muttamā vadhūḥ.

Meaning- Seeta, who was born in the lineage of Janaka, was like the illusion created to trap the demons. She has in her every auspicious trait as detailed in the Samudrika shastra. She is the most supreme amongst women.

We have earlier discussed the reasons that prompted Mother Goddess to incarnate as Sita. Sita was born in the worthiest family of Janaka. Every member of Janaka’s lineage was of righteous conduct and diligently abided by all good traditions and customs. While ploughing the field, King Janaka found a pitcher, within which was a baby girl. As such, Seeta was ayonija (not born from a mother’s womb in the normal course).

At the time of churning of the ocean, a terrible war broke out between the Devatas and the demons to obtain the nectar which had emerged. At that moment, to enchant the evil minded, wicked demons of bad conduct, Lord Vishnu, using the help of his illusionary energy, manifested as Mohini, who was an epitome of beauty. Through this illusory form he caused the destruction of all demons. Likewise, to destroy the demon brothers Sunda and Upasunda, the Devatas created the exquisitely beautiful maiden Tilottama taking the help of Vishnu’s illusory energy.

Illusion is one of the most fabulous energies of Lord Vishnu! It is impossible for anyone to comprehend, visualize or describe it. Limitless, immeasurable beauty is itself illusion. Such illusion is neither His magical power, nor some witchcraft, or deceptive power. It is an extraordinary and fabulous power. The word ‘maya’ also refers to Goddess Lakshmi. In other words, Lakshmi is known as māya.

Lord Vishnu incarnated as Rama. Hence his illusion incarnated as Sita. The Upanishads declare that illusion is the ultimate, stunning and extra-ordinary energy of the Lord that is far beyond comprehension. To bring delight to that Lord, such supreme energy took on a human form, served Him and acted in accordance to His wishes. She was Sita, the most divine, chaste and gentle lady. She was an epitome of virtue.

Demonic illusion causes destruction. The Lord’s illusion causes well-being. Sita was of unparalleled beauty and charm. She was created solely to delude the demons. As She was an ayonija, she brought along with her, sparkling beauty from Vaikuntha. That is why there is a proverb- ‘ati roopavati Seeta ati moorkhaschya ravanah’ which means the ‘the supreme most beautiful woman is Sita and the most foolish person is Ravana’.

Through this hymn, the impending death of Ravana is being subtly hinted. All the divine traits found in Rama, also existed in Sita. In her, all auspicious traits, as defined by the samudrika shastra, were clearly visible. She was a repository of every good trait.

If Rama is the ideal for all the men, Sita is considered exemplary and ideal for all the women. Those who imbibe and practise the good traits as exhibited by Rama, turn out to be virtuous men. Likewise, those ladies who adopt and follow the good traits found in Sita, become virtuous women.


Om Seeta Ramabhyaam namaha.
