SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 02-08-2017
Datta maata 081: Steps to God-realization

One who treads the path of spirituality will get the desire to see God at some or the other point of time. To see someone, we must know where they reside. All the religions and all Gurus preach one and only one truth – God is omnipresent. This means that God is the one who is spread all over just like the sky. If he is spread everywhere, then why is it that we cannot see him?

Here, we must observe three aspects. Firstly, if we are unable to see something, then there should be some hindrance in between us and the thing we wish to see. In the rainy season, even if Sun is right in front of us, we cannot see him if he is covered by clouds. Likewise, we must try to find the obstacles that come in our way to see God.

Secondly, say a person is struggling with stomach ache and if we ask him to show the pain, he cannot definitely show us the pain. It can be experienced only by the sufferer and is invisible to the eye. It is wrong to say that because you could not see; there is no pain at all. This implies that we cannot grasp all the different feelings with the naked eye. Even though the feelings are like the entities, only those who experience can feel them. The God whom you want to see is also to be experienced. Even though he is spread like the air, he can be realized only through experience.

Thirdly, the God who is all-pervading over cannot be seen when we close our eyes. Also, once we close our eyes, we cannot identify any object that passes before us. The reason for that is the absence of the mind over there. Hence, we cannot experience any feeling when the mind (which judges based on feelings) is not focused. We must check if we are able to concentrate our mind or not.

There is another aspect. All of the senses cannot grasp all the feelings that exist in the world. Few are experienced by eyes, ears, tongue, nostrils and skin. Few can be experienced only through mind. But, the God whom you wish to see is beyond the mind, speech and senses. When we keep these aside, only then can we see God.

Hence, you must put in efforts in that direction. You must approach Sadguru who has successfully accomplished this. Only then, you can experience God. Even though God is omnipresent, you cannot see him because of the temptations of the senses. If you concentrate your mind on the pleasures obtained through senses, then it is equal to closing your eyes. Instead if you focus on God, then you have opened your eyes. This implies that one who is absorbed in the pleasures of the senses cannot see God even if he is right in front.

The attempt to see God without controlling the senses and mind is like attempting to see Sun closing the eyes. One can experience God only by doing spiritual practice as guided by Sadguru and by having a control over the senses. This means that the feeling is extremely important here and the concentration is too good.

Jai Guru Datta! Sri Guru Datta!
