SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 02-08-2017
Datta maata 078: Charity performed with selfless attitude yields ultimate results

Ability to engage in charitable deeds is undoubtedly the best quality. All of us are aware of this, but, this quality does not come so easily in us. Even those who have such noble quality are unable to get complete benefits out of it. Many donors wish that the beneficiaries to surrender to them for the entire remainder of their life. They want their name and fame to be established permanently in the world. Such donations yield very insignificant results.

Few others involve in charity only because others will get benefitted because of them. The results of such charities are mediocre.

Hence, you must have a sense that the charities you do are for yourself, to get rid of your sins and for your very own betterment. Charity should not be done with a feeling that the receiver will be benefitted because of you. Only then, you will get complete and good results. There is a story in the Buddha Jataka tales that describes about the mindset of a donor while doing charity.

In one of his previous births, Buddha was born as a very affluent person. He was very much interested in dāna (charity) and dharma (righteousness). Hence, he engaged himself in charitable activities. But, strangely, the more he donated, the more his wealth increased. Days passed by and his sons grew up. They never liked this charitable nature of their father. They believed that he wasted all their assets in charity. So, they asked for their share in the property from their father.

The property was divided. The children gave a portion even to their aging father. The father once again donated his portion of wealth thereafter left for forest. Many of the beneficiaries requested him to stay with them but he did not agree. He stayed in forest and ate the fruits and vegetables that were available there. He spent his time contemplating on God.

One day, Lord Indra wanted to test him. Immediately, a devil appeared in front of him. The devil said that it has not come to harm him and instead it wanted to accept donation from his hands so as to get rid of its suffering as a spirit and can go to the world of the devas (demi-gods). So, it requested the rich man for some donation. The rich man worriedly said to the devil that he has nothing to donate.

For that, the devil said that he has accumulated huge merit by doing charities and hence it requested him to donate some merit by which it can free itself from this devil birth. But then it cautioned him saying that if he donates his entire merit, then he would be deprived of food in his future birth. Hence it warned him to think over and donate as much as possible.

As soon as the man heard of the devil’s words, he was surprised to know that he has acquired merit and that it can be donated. Until then he was unaware of it. He immediately agreed to donate his merit completely even without bothering about his next birth. Immediately, Indra appeared in place of the devil and took the rich man to heaven in his aeroplane.

We understand about the fruits of the selfless charity that we perform. To get such results, we must never entertain the thoughts that somebody should get benefitted from us because of the donations we make. You must rather think that it is all for your betterment. Just like the rich man in the above story, you too must be grateful to the receiver. That is why, in the days of yore, the receivers were worshipped first and then the donations were offered. The receivers also had lifetime gratitude and interest towards the donors.

Jai Guru Datta! Sri Guru Datta!
