SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 02-08-2017
Datta maata 077: Good character is crucial for success in any field

For everybody and for every task, a good character is very crucial. Many people engage in several worships and austerities but complain that they have not found any good results. The reason behind that is not possessing good behavior.

To many, the term good character only implies not engaging in adultery. However, the term ‘character’ has a far more deeper meaning. A good behavior that always bestows good on all is called “character”. For good to befall on one and all, one must follow satya (truthfulness), brahmacharya (celibacy), daya (compassion), dharma (righteousness) while maintaining purity of mind, body and speech. This means that it not just sufficient if you do not lie externally. You must, at the same time, possess the truthful behavior mentally as well.

Good behavior is that which makes you live and let others live because of you; it is that which makes you develop such that you inspire others to develop; it is that which makes you happy and thereby makes others happy. That itself is the character. Without it, all your austerities, penance and powers go in vain. More importantly, they only cause harm to you. Remember this! We discussed about many incidents regarding the fights between demi-gods and demons. In most of the fights, the demi-gods used to win.

Once, all the demons assembled together and discussed about the reason behind the victory of demi-gods. They understood that they are able to win because of the help they received from the Trimurthis (Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva) and they also learnt that it is because of their penance and austerities that the Trimurthis are helping them. Immediately, the demons appointed some of themselves as detectives to know which austerities the demi-gods performed and observed the mantras that they chanted to do the penance. Later on, even they too performed several austerities as well as penance and as a result of that, they achieved weapons. With great enthusiasm, they readied themselves to combat the demi-gods. They were so confident of their victory this time. But, the Trimurthis came and ensured the demi-gods emerge successful, surprising the demons. The demons did exactly what the demi-gods had done. They did exactly the same mantra and performed the same austerities and penance. Nevertheless, they could not understand why the Trimurthis had made the demi-gods emerge victorious.

They all went to Brihaspathi, the Guru of demi-gods and asked him the reason. He said that there is no big secret in that. He clarified – “There is no classification like demons and demi-gods and all are the children of sage Kashapa. Everyone has studied the Vedas and is performing the actions that are advocated by the Vedas. But, **the demi-gods are doing such actions for the welfare of the world while adhering to celibacy, truthfulness, devotion upon Guru and humility. Whereas the actions performed by you are done with selfishness, ego, jealousy and by surrendering to the senses. **

You are merely imitating the external actions of the demi-gods. You have not observed the inherent, innate character in their hearts. Hence, the austerities you perform did not bring you victory. If you also follow this way, you will become like the demi-gods. What more victory do we wish for other than this? The main work of the Timurthis is to see to it that the welfare of the all the beings is caused by all the energies that exist in the creation. That happens only because of the beings with good behavior and conduct. Such beings are all indirectly helping the Trimurthis. Instead, the beings that try to enhance their powers without a right character and conduct will be punished by the Trimurthis.”

From this story, we understand the importance of possessing a good character. Hence, only if you have a good character, you will get immediate results from the charities and austerities you perform. The result that you get also is permanent which benefits the people around too.

Om Namo Narayanaya! Om Namo Narayanaya!
