SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 02-08-2017
Datta maata 074: Why should we pray to God during adversities?

Gurave sarva lokam! We seek and pray to Lord Datta who is none other than the Guru to ensure that the Lord’s grace falls upon us.

One who has taken the human birth has to endure both pain and happiness. Without this duality, no life exists. When we are happy, we do not think of anything and instead wish that more and more such happiness should come our way. We are not satisfied with that which we have obtained. We yearn for something better and wish for much more happiness.

But, when we have to suffer hardships, we become apprehensive thinking – “Why is that I only have to suffer so much? Why do problems land only on my head? What can I do now?” We share our grief with every other person we meet; we brood over and over again. We feel that others are not suffering from such pain. When we cross the endurance levels, we expect others to help us. But, when help does not pour in as expected, we face despair. When you do not receive help as expected, you become angry and begin to hate those relatives and friends who did not stand by your side during your tough times.

During times of happiness we do not want relatives by our side. But, when we face adversities, we expect help from them. Isn’t this strange?

Few boast that they have rendered so much help to others in the past and that none of those who received help from them are standing by their side now when they are in need. In fact, they would not have fed even a crow in the past, but yet they boast. Such people would have offered trivial help but their expectations are quite big. They condemn people who do not help them as selfish and envious. The net result is that they distance from those very people whom they considered good and noble in the past. This is so strange! We keep on doing this. Here, we need to think carefully.

What is the fundamental reason behind the difficulties you face? Keep that aside. You want immediate respite from your problems. Hence, the efforts that you make must be in the right direction, isn’t it?.

You say that you had earlier helped many people. Such being the case, why is it that you now stretch hands begging for help from others? The answer is so simple. You say that your time is bad and that God is not supporting you. You say these reasons for your downfall.

When you believe that God is not supporting you, why are you blaming others for not helping you? Moreover, amongst those whom you helped, only few have flourished. If we observe carefully, the reason for their success is also God’s support and grace. Hence, as far as you know, the primary reason for their success is the invisible God.

At the same time, you must remember that the reason for your downfall is only because you do not remember God. In that case, instead of praying for God’s protection and help, what is the use if you seek help from others? It is as good as begging for few bucks when a big gold mountain is beside you.

Hence, our elders advise us to pray to God when faced with adversities. If we pray God, not only our difficulties vanish but in addition we get to know the fundamental reason behind such problems. You will get the jnana (knowledge) that our difficulties were the results of your previous actions. God will guide you and also prevent you from treading the wrong path again and again. You must not commit the wrong actions that you had done earlier. You must know that your present suffering is the result of your previous actions.

Jai Guru Datta! Sri Guru Datta!
