SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 02-08-2017
Datta maata 069: The search for the truth

Searching for the ‘cause’ is one of the natural qualities of man.

However, while in the process of such enquiry, we ignore certain things assuming them to be natural in existence. For instance, say, a person has eaten food. Why did he eat? He ate because of hunger. If so, why is the feeling of hunger born? It is born because some liquid elements are secreted in the stomach. Why are those liquids born? It is because there is life force in the body. Why does the life force exist? Since it is quite natural for a living person to have the life force in the body, it exists.

If so, what is the real meaning of “natural”? We only say that it is quite natural to be hungry but do we know the hidden reason behind it? There are so many reasons behind the single word – natural.

In this creation, for any small subject, if we start a discussion to find the cause of it, then it will certainly end with the word – natural (sahaja). We say it is but natural

Let us consider another example – For the question, ‘Why did the previous birth arise?’ the answer would be, ‘It is because of its previous birth’. Then comes the question, ‘why did that previous birth arise?’ Ultimately one concludes, ‘It is because it is quite natural to have the series of births’. So, once again we are ending up at the word “natural”. This means that the intelligence of those who go in search of cause ends up at “natural”.

We say that the mountain is very beautiful. We keep on describing it with many adjectives. But, if we go in depth, then we say that it is in its natural state. There is no further expression.

At that point where the intelligence comes to an end, we must accept the help of the ethereal power of divinity. Such divine energy is given us to by the Vedas and through the teachings of the noble souls. Not just that, we must try to acquire jnana (knowledge) about the driving force of that intellect with which we are trying to do the enquiry. Those who do not know this secret, label themselves to be the “cause finders”. But, ultimately they also end their discussions midway and in illusion believe it to be the search for the cause.

Those who say that the dharmic path is not rational are not true cause finders. If an ant attempts to find the depth of an ocean, then it is not the at all logical.

Hence, let us all follow theism and with the support of Vedas and scriptures, let us search for the truth. We must search for the truth taking Vedas as our reference point. Other examples might help a bit but only Vedas lead us directly to the truth. Many try to find the truth by ignoring the Vedas, the beacon and instead struggle quoting several other trivial examples. There is another beautiful story regarding this. We shall discuss about it later.

Jai Guru Datta! Sri Guru Datta!
