SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 02-08-2017
Datta maata 068: What is meant by seeing God?

How to see God? How is it possible? Everybody wishes to see God.

Long ago, a young man came to Sri Swamiji and asked him if He had seen God. Swamiji replied, “Yes, I have seen’. He then asked Swamiji to show him God. Immediately, Swamiji twisted one of the ears of the young man and he wailed in pain. Swamiji asked what had happened. The youngster said that his ear is paining. Swamiji asked where the pain is and he pointed out to his ear. Swamiji asked, “When I ask you to show me the pain you are showing your ear”. The frustrated young man shouted that pain cannot be shown. He further added that the redness of the ear indicates the pain.

Pain in the ear was not visible not only to Swamiji but also to the young man. He could merely experience pain and hence realize that he had pain.

In this world, seeing any object implies accepting its existence. For instance, we see the sky. Though we are not seeing it with our eyes, we still recognize that there is sky. This identification itself is the darshana.

We identify feelings of love, hatred and other entities in the similar fashion. Experience cannot be seen with our eyes. Likewise, God is also an experience! He is an entity that is to be experienced. The feeling called God is a very superior feeling.

Travelling towards infinity implies travelling to far distances. Travelling towards God however is a journey towards something which has no distance. It is only through practice that we experience God’s principle. Without practice, any effort will go in vain. Hence, one must not hastily ask for the darshan of God. Instead, one must keep doing spiritual practice ceaselessly. In the journey of that practice, enlightenment will come about automatically.

Experience of God brings happiness and bliss. How can one explain bliss? We may laugh or we may use some adjectives to describe it. We may jump in joy but we cannot see it. Can we see joy or bliss? Never. By laughing, jumping and by talking, we are just expressing it. Same is the case with taste. We cannot show ‘taste’. Through our actions and expressions we can just make known our feelings about it, but cannot show it. We may show chewing. We may simply compare it with sugar, honey, mango etc. We can say it is sweeter than a mango; it is sweeter than honey. That’s all. You are just talking about it. Can you show the taste?

Similar is the experience of God. Where is God? We say He is beyond the reach of feelings. But, experiencing him in those feelings and deriving joy from them is itself the real principle of God. God is not limited to any physical form. He may also have a physical form. He may be walking, sitting, eating etc. This is our feeling. We are worshipping the formless God with a form (attributes). It is not that the form itself is God. But, in order to go towards the formless God, we are saying that the form (attributes) is God. This is a very big subject. Let us discuss again.
