SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 02-08-2017
Bhagavatam 0520: The coronation and rule of Rama

Together with Seeta and Lakshmana, Rama offered obeisance to all the learned Vedic scholars and family elders while all the citizens offered obeisance to Him. The citizens of the land were ecstatic seeing Lord Rama after a gap of many years. Waving their upper garments, showering flowers upon him, they danced in joy.

Bharata held Srirama’s wooden sandals. Vibhīṣana fanned Rama with the Vinjāmara fan. Hanuman held the white umbrella over His head. Shatrughna held His bow and quiver containing the arrows. Seeta held the water pot containing the sacred waters. Angada carried the sword while Jāmbhavanta held the shield.

Just as the rising Moon which is surrounded by the stars illumines brightly, Srirama, who was seated in the in the aircraft (Pushpaka vimana) and who was surrounded by attendants illumined brightly.

Srirama who was welcomed lovingly by his brothers, now entered into the city of Ayodhya which was bursting in happiness at his arrival. While enthusiastically participating in all the celebrations, he entered the royal palace. He offered obeisance to his mothers Kaushalya, Sumitra and Kaikeyi. He also offered obeisance to all other Gurus, elders, friends. He lovingly greeted all the younger friends and relatives while accepting their obeisances. Seeta and Lakshmana too greeted every member of the palace.

Upon seeing their sons, Mothers Kaushalya and others felt as if their life was restored back. Seating their sons on their laps, they drenched them with tears of joy and thus discarded their sorrows. Thereafter Guru Vasiṣṭha got Rama to remove his matted locks. With waters from the four oceans and with the pancamrita he performed the coronation ceremony for Srirama, just as it was done for Indra, the Lord of heaven.

After completion of the coronation ceremony, Srirama wore costly silken garments and decorated himself with lovely garlands. Mother Seeta as well as his brothers also wore costly garments. They too decorated themselves with exquisite ornaments and garlands. Together with them all, Srirama glowed brightly.

Bharata offered obeisance to Srirama’s feet. With his earnest prayer he begged his elder brother to accept the royal throne. All the citizens of the land possessed qualities that exactly matched his/her caste and stage of life.

jugopa pitṛvad rāmo menire pitaraṁ ca tam -Srirama protected citizens considering them to be his children. The citizens too considered him to be their father.

When Srirama, an exponent in rules of righteousness, was ruling the land, even though it was the second era called Treta yuga, it was akin to the first eon Kṛta Yuga wherein righteousness was standing on all its four legs.

Vanāni nadyo girayo varṣāṇi dvīpa-sindhavaḥ Sarve kāma-dughā āsan prajānāṁ bharatarṣabha

O Emperor Parikshit! During his rule all forests, rivers, mountains, continents, sub-continents and oceans were conducive to the living entities and fulfilled all their needs. The Supreme Lord Srihari, who is invisible to the senses, incarnated as Srirama and ruled the land. During his rule people were free from all forms of mental and physical diseases. Old age, disability, physical sufferings, distress, fear, and exhaustion were absent. More importantly people could choose the time of their death.

Srirama diligently abided by the rule of monogamy (eka patni vrata). He was a saintly king who followed the footsteps of great saints. He was filled with righteous, pure conduct. In matters pertaining to householder’s way of life (grihasta dharma) He led by example and became a guide to the citizens.

Through love, service, exemplary character and humility Seeta stole the heart of her husband Rama. She was intelligent to grasp the feelings of her husband and served him humbly in accordance with the situation.

By merely listening and reading of this tenth chapter of the ninth canto of Bhagawatam, the fruit of having read Ramayana accrues to the person. Ramayana is also known as Poulastya vadha (killing of Ravana) and Seeta caritam (story of Seeta). For this reason, the wise Maharishi Vyasa has, while elaborately describing the death of Ravana, concluded this chapter with a description of Mother Seeta.

With this the tenth chapter of the ninth canto comes to an end.

Ninth Canto Chapter Eleven

In this chapter, Rama’s future activities are covered.

Maharishi Śuka said, “With the help of royal Gurus, Srirama conducted many important Yagnas.

sarva-devamayaṁ devamīje ’thācāryavān makhaiḥ - As He was an embodiment of all the Devatas, through these Yagnas he actually worshipped himself.

Srirama gave the Eastern direction to the hota priest. To the Brahma priest who ensures that the Yagna procedure gets properly completed he gave the Southern direction. To the Adhvaryu priest he gave the Western direction. To the Udghata priest who sings the hymns from Samaveda he gave the Northern direction.

Srirama, who was absolutely freed from desires, believed that only a learned Vedic scholar had the authority to possess the earth. For this reason he donated the land that exists in between the four directions to the ācharya priest.

For having thus distributed his entire land, Srirama was left only with the clothes that he had worn and ornaments that adorned his body. Similarly Mother Seeta was left with only her personal clothing and important ornaments such as mangala-sutra, nose ring etc.

Noble saints glorified Srirama who treated Vedic scholars at par with God. The hearts of the priests overflowed with love seeing the affection He showered upon them. For this reason they returned back to him the land that he had donated to them and said,

“O Supreme Lord! You are the Lord of the universe. There is nothing which You have not showered upon us. This is because entering into us You are driving away the darkness called spiritual ignorance that exists within. ** namo brahmaṇya-devāya rāmāyākuṇṭha-medhase uttamaśloka-dhuryāya nyasta-daṇḍārpitāṅghraye**

Narayanaya namah
