SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 02-08-2017
Bhagavatam 0518: Rama reaches Lanka

Upendraya namah

“The ten-headed Ravana who heard of Seeta’s enchanting beauty as described by Śurpanakha was filled with lustful feelings. One morning he sent Mārica to wander in front of Rama’s hermitage in a captivating form of a golden illusory deer.

When Ravana coaxed Mārica to assume the form of a deer, Mārica resisted. He informed Ravana of his past experience when he had been badly injured due to Rama’s powerful arrow. Ravana threatened to kill Mārica for disobeying his orders. Mārica considered it wiser to die in Lord Rama’s hands than in the hands of demon Ravana.

In accordance with Ravana’s orders, Mārica who was in the form of a deer, ensured that Rama chased him into the deep forests, far away from his hermitage. Mārica, who was hit by Rama’s arrow and who was about to die, in a voice that closely resembled Rama’s shrieked, ‘Seeta, Lakshmana.’ Hearing this call, Seeta panicked and immediately sent her brother-in-law Lakshmana to ensure the safety of her husband Rama. Just as a fox stealthily steals a lamb, Ravana, the worst among demons, kidnapped Seeta at that time when Rama and Lakshmana were not in vicinity.

Rama was thus separated from his dearest wife Seeta. Together with brother Lakshmana he wandered through the forests inconsolably grieving for her. Just as the individual soul searches for the Supreme Soul, he searched for her everywhere. Through this behaviour he showed the world the way in which a man, who succumbs to the love of a woman, falls. He demonstrated through his actions the resultant grief experienced by such man.

Although Srirama was a human, Lords such as Brahma and Rudra worship His holy feet. The eagle Jatayu who fought for Seeta’s protection was freed from all karmic bondages through this act. Srirama completed the funeral rites for Jatatyu. While wandering in the forests he killed demon Kabandha.

He befriended the Vanaras and then killed Vāli. When he came of know of Lanka, the city where Ravana had taken Seeta, he proceeded there along with the Vanara army headed by King Sugriva.

He reached the banks of the ocean. This ocean was a mega obstacle in reaching the city of Lanka. Srirama then displayed a transcendental sport. In uncontrollable fury he frowned and looked ferociously at the ocean. With this the sharks, crocodiles and all other aquatic creatures shuddered in fear.

The ocean then took on a form and appeared in front of him. Retaining all the puja materials on his head, the ocean fell at Rama’s lotus feet and prayed, “O Supreme Lord! We are dull-witted. Without undergoing any transformation You become the sole cause for the existence of this creation. You, who are the embodiment of completeness, are the Lord for this entire universe. We fail to understand You.

You are the Lord who controls the three attributes of Nature. From Your traits of goodness, the leaders of Devatas emerged. From Your traits of action the leaders of the people emerged. From Your traits of ignorance bhoota-nayakas emerged.

O Valourous one! Freely cross over my waters. I shall not create any obstacle. Ravana, the evil son of Viśrava, is torturing all the three worlds. Kill him and regain your wife. Build a bridge over the ocean thereby enhance your fame.

**gāyanti dig-vijayino yam upetya bhūpāḥ -**The conquerors of the world and other great rulers will in future see this extra-ordinary deed of yours and will glorify you profusely”. When the Vanara heroes fetched huge boulders from atop mountains and threw them into the ocean, the trees atop the mountains began to shake violently. Srirama constructed a bridge across the ocean. Thereafter he entered the city of Lanka together with the Vanara army under the leadership of important Vanara commanders such as Sugriva, Neela and Hanuman and in accordance with the advice given by Vibhīṣana.

The mighty Hanuman had previously burnt the glorious city of Lanka. Now the Vanara army burnt down the vast gardens, granaries, treasuries, gaming arenas, rest houses, tower houses, main gates, assembly halls and other places. They destroyed the flags, stages, golden domes and distorted the cross roads. Lanka then resembled a river that had been disturbed by a herd of elephants.

Ravana, who witnessed this, sent all his attendants for battle. Nikumbha, Kumbha, Dumrākṣa, Durmukha, Surāntaka, Narāntaka, Indrajit, Prahasta, Atikāya, Vikampana and other demons went to battle. When all of them had lost their lives, he sent Kumbhakarṇa to fight the enemy.

The demon army fought ferociously with lances, bows, swords, arrows, spears, iron rods, knives and other invincible weapons.

Keshavaya namah
