SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 02-08-2017
Bhagavatam 0499: Sukanya marries Maharishi Cyavana

Damodaraya namah

Maharishi Viśravasa married Idabida. He was a great Maharishi and the best among Yogis. From his father Maharishi Pulastya he learnt the Supreme Knowledge that creates both this world and the other worlds. To this holy couple Kubera was born.

Emperor Tṛnabindu had three sons named Visāla, Sūnyabandhu, Dhūmraketu. Among them, Viśala contributed to the growth of the lineage. He also established the city called Vaiśali. Viśāla’s son Hemachandra had a son called Dhūmrākṣa. Dhūmrākṣa had a son named Samyama. Saṃyama’s sons were Kṛṣāśva and Devaja.

Kṛṣāśva’s son Somadatta performed many Ashwamedha Yagnas and worshipped the Supreme Lord who is the ruler of foodgrains. He thereafter sought shelter under supreme Yogis such as Nārada and others and obtained the supreme state called liberation.

Sumati was the son of Somadatta. Sumati’s son was Janmejaya. All these kings of Vaiśala dynasty who belonged to the lineage of Tṛṇabindu retained the renown and position of Emperor Tṛnabindu.

With this the second chapter of the ninth canto comes to an end.

Ninth Canto Chapter Three

In this chapter, the stories of Sukanya and Revati.

Maharishi Śuka said, “Śaryāti, another son of Manu, who was an exponent in the knowledge of Vedas gave instructions about the homa rituals to be adopted by the descendants of Angira on the second day of the Satra-yāga and thus established a proper practice. This Emperor had an exceedingly beautiful daughter named Sukanya.

One day, along with his daughter the Emperor went into those forests where Maharishi Cyavana’s hermitage was situated. They entered into the precincts of the hermitage. Enchanted by the beauty of those lovely forests and of the beautiful trees therein, Sukanya was wandering leisurely amidst them along with her attendants when she suddenly came across an anthill. From two holes in this anthill, two objects glowed luminously like glow-worms.

Sukanya was a little girl who was very playful. As if influenced by destiny, she mischievously took a small thorn in her hand and pierced those two holes. To her shock, blood began to ooze from these two holes.

Simultaneously, the ability to pass urine and stools abruptly ceased in all the soldiers who had accompanied the king into the forests and they were constipated. King Śaryāti was surprised upon learning this. Immediately he addressed his soldiers and enquired, “My dear soldiers, is it possible that anyone amongst you has offended Maharishi Cyavana, the descendant of Maharishi Bhrigu? From this strange development it is evident that one of us has polluted this hermitage of his.”

Hearing this, in a faltering voice Sukanya replied, “My dear father, I have committed a grave offence. Ignorantly I have pierced two glow-worms with a sharp thorn”.

Although, Śaryāti was apprehensive hearing this, he slowly pleased Maharishi Cyavana who was seated within the anthill. Understanding the opinion of Maharishi Cyavana he gave his daughter Sukanya to him in marriage and thus escaped from a grave danger. Soldiers were relieved from the obstacle they had faced thus far in passing stools and urine. Seeking permission from Maharishi Cyavana, King Śaryati returned home.

‘Who is there to take care of him now that he had lost both his eyes? How could he complete his daily obligatory rituals without hindrances?’- Maharishi Cyavana who had lost his eyes was worried. Understanding the sage’s turmoil, Śaryati gave his daughter to him in marriage.

Maharishi Cyavana was very irritable by nature. Sukanya, however understanding the moods of her husband served him appropriately and earned his love. Days went by. One morning the Ashwini Devatas, the celestial physicians, arrived at the sage’s hermitage. Maharishi Cyavana worshipped them reverentially and then enquired,

“O Devatas, both of you are supremely capable. Please bless me with youthfulness and beauty that brings joy to young women. As of now both of you are ineligible to obtain the Soma-rasa during the Yagna. In return, I will bless you with the eligibility to obtain Soma-rasa during Yagnas”.

Ashwini-devatas, the celestial physicians, praised Maharishi Cyavana. Agreeing to his request, they asked him to dip into a pond that had been created by accomplished Yogis. Due to old age, Maharishi Cyavana’s body was fully wrinkled. His skin was loose, hair was white and veins and nerves were clearly visible through his skin. To sum up, he looked ugly.

Along with Maharishi Cyavana, Ashwini-devatas they also dipped into the pond. When they emerged, all three appeared youthful and handsome. They were wearing glittering earrings. A garland of lotuses adorned their neck. They were draped in pure, clean clothing. All of them resembled perfectly and were glowing like the Sun. Their handsomeness was such that it would charm any young woman.

Sukanya observed the three men returning from the lake. This chaste woman could not distinguish her husband from the other two Devatas as they were identical in every aspect. She therefore prayed to the Ashwini Devatas. Pleased with her chastity, the Ashwini Devatas showed to her Maharishi Cyavana. Taking the permission of the great sage, they departed to heaven.

Desiring to perform a Yagna, Emperor Śaryāti arrived at the hermitage of Maharishi Cyavana. He was taken aback to see a very handsome young man, glowing radiantly like the Sun, seated beside his daughter Sukanya. He was displeased.

Sukanya elatedly got up, welcomed her father and offered obeisance to his feet. Instead of showering his blessings upon her, Emperor Śaryati angrily rebuked her,

“O wicked woman! What is it that you have done? Your husband is a great Maharishi who is revered by the entire world. You have cheated him just because he was old and invalid and have sought shelter in this young lover who was passing by the street.

O Sukanya! Have you forgotten that you have taken birth in the lineage of noble personalities? How could you then stoop to these lowly levels? By serving this lowly lover of yours, our entire lineage has been destroyed. Due to your actions, both your father’s and husband’s lineages have been thrown into hell”.

Smiling gently, Sukanya said, “My dear father! This person is none other than your son-in-law, Maharishi Cyavana, the descendant of Maharishi Bhrigu”. In detail she narrated to her father how her husband attained youthfulness and charm.

Emperor Śaryāti was wonder-struck listening to this. He embraced her and blessed her profusely. Thereafter Maharishi Cyavana got his father-in-law Emperor Śaryāti to perform the Soma-yāga.

Using his mystical powers, the great sage accepted the pot of Soma-rasa from the Yagna and gave that share of Soma-rasa to Ashwini-devatas, even though they were considered ineligible to drink Soma-rasa during Yagnas. Seeing this, Indra, the Lord of heaven, was absolutely displeased.

Krishnāya namah
