SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 17/06/2019
Bhagavatam 0538: The future kings of Kuru lineage (after Parikshit’s rule)

From the womb of the princess of Manipur, Arjuna begot a son Bhabruvāhana. Although he was the son of Arjuna, Bhabruvāhana was adopted by his maternal grandfather following the putrika dharma. When a person adopts his daughter’s son it is putrika dharma.

Parikshit, your father Abhimanyu was the son of Arjuna born through Subhadra. He was the valiant warrior who defeated all mighty atirathas. Atiratha is that mighty warrior who can simultaneously fight a large number of archers. From wife Uttara, you were born to Abhimanyu.

By the end of the Kurukshetra war, Duryodhana and all other descendants of the Kuru lineage had been destroyed. At that moment, Ashwatthama, Drona’s son, released the unfailing weapon called Brahmāstra. Due to the power of this weapon you, who were the in the womb of your mother, died. However Lord Srikrishna used his mystical power to save you from the jaws of death.

The valourous Janamējaya, Śrutasena, Bheemasena and Ugrasena are your four sons. Among them the eldest is Janmējaya. Coming to know that you have died due to the bite of snake Takshaka, Janmējaya will be infuriated. He will conduct a sarpa-yāga and in this homa fire, he will offer innumerable snakes.

Janmējaya will conquer this entire earth. Accepting Tura, the son of Kavasa, as his royal priest he will perform Ashwamedha and other Yagas and thus will please the Supreme Lord. Śatānika will be the son of Janmējaya. He will learn from Yājnavalkya the Vedas. From Kripācharya he will learn the art of weaponry. From Maharishi Śounaka he will learn the science of conducting Vedic rituals. He will also obtain Spiritual Knowledge from him.

Śatānika’s son will be Sahasrānika. His son will be Ashwamedhaja whose son will be Asīmakṛsna. His son will be Nemichakra. Hastinapura will be inundated by the waters of Ganga. At such time Nemichakra will reach a place called Kouśambi where he will live comfortably.

Nemichakra’s son will be Chitraratha. Chitraratha’s son will be Kaviratha. His son will be Vṛṣṭimān. Suṣhena will be son of Vṛṣṭimān. Suṣhena’s son will be Suneetha whose son will be Nṛchakṣu. his son will be Sukhīnala.

Sukhīnava’s son will be Pariplava. His son will be Sunaya. His son will be Medhāvi. Medhāvi’s son will be Nṛpanjaya. Nṛpanjaya’s son will be Dūrva. From Dūrva, Timi will be born. Timi’s son will be Bṛhadratha. His son will be Sudāsa whose son will be Śatānīka. His son will be Durdamana. His son will be Bahīnara.

Bahīnara’s son will be Danḍapāni. His son will be Nimi. Nimi’s son will be King Kṣemaka. Thus, I have narrated to you the lineage called the Moon dynasty which is the cause for the emergence of Kṣatriyas as well as Brahmins. This Moon dynasty is worshipped by Devatas and by Maharishis. The Moon dynasty will come to an end in Kali-yuga with King Kṣemaka being last king.

I shall now narrate to you the descendants who will rule the Magadha Kingdom. Please listen. Sahadeva, the son of Jarāsandha, will have a son Mārjāri. His son will be Śrutaśrava. His son will be āyutāyu. Āyutāyu’s son will be Niramitra. Sunakṣatra will be the son of Niramitra. Sunakṣatra’s son will be Bṛhadtejasa. His son will be Karmajit.

Karmajit’s son will be Śṛtanjaya. His son will be Vipra and his son will be Suci. Suci’s son will be Kṣema. His son will be Suvrata. Suvrata’s son will be Dharmasutra. His son will be Sama. Dyumatsena will be the son of Sama. His son will be Sumati. Sumati’s son will be Subala whose son will be Sunīratha. His son will be Satyajit and his son will be Viśwajit. His son will be Ripunjaya. All these kings who are the descendants of Bṛhadratha will rule for a thousand years without any hindrences” said Maharishi Śuka.

With this the twenty second chapter of the Ninth canto comes to an end.

Ninth Canto Chapter Twenty three

In this chapter, the lineages of Yayati’s other four sons viz., son’s Anu, Druhya, Turvasu and Yadu are narrated.

Maharishi Śuka said, “Yayāti’s son Anu had three sons Sabhānara, Chakṣu and Parokṣa. Among them Sabhānara had a son Kālanara. His son was Sṛnjaya. Sṛnjaya’s son was Janmējaya whose son was Mahāśīla. His son was Mahāmanasa. Mahāṃanasa had two sons Uśīnara and Titīkṣu.

Among them, Uśīnara had four sons Śibi, Vana, Śamī and Dakṣa. Among them Śibi had Vrṣādarbha, Sudīra, Madra and Kaykeya.

Mahamanasa’s other son Titīkṣu had a son Rṣadratha. His son was Hema. Hema’s son was Sutapasa and his son was Bali. Due to the radiance of Maharishi Deerghatamasa, Bali’s wife delivered Anga, Vanga, Kalinga, Suhma, Punḍra and Andhra. These six sons created six kingdoms on the eastern side of the country with their names.

Among them Anga had a son Ghanasāna. His son was Diviratha. Dharmaratha was the son of Diviratha. Dharmaratha’s son was Citraratha. Chitraratha, who was also known as Romapāda, remained childless. He was a friend of King Dasaratha. Dasharatha gave his daughter Śānta in adoption to Romapāda. At one point of time, Romapāda’s kingdom was totally deprived of rainfall. At this juncture, some beautiful maidens from his kingdom went into the forests where Maharishi Rṣyaśringa, the son of ascetic couple Harini and Vibhānḍaka, was engaged in mediation. They danced and sang in the precincts of this sage’s hermitage. Through their charms they lured him and lovingly took him to their kingdom. When Rṣyaśṛinga stepped into the kingdom, the Gods showered plentiful rain.

Maharishi Rṣyaśringa married Śānta. He thereafter perfomed an Iśti, a Yagna ritual, to please Lord Indra and thus ensured that his father-in-law Romapāda was blessed with a son. With this help Emperor Daśaratha, who was childless, performed the same Yagna and was blessed with sons.

Romapāda’s son was Chaturanga. His son was Pṛthulākṣa. His sons were Bṛhadratha, Bṛhadkāra, Bṛhadkarma and Bṛhadbhānu. The eldest amongst them i.e. Bṛhadratha had a son named Bṛhadmanasa. Learned scholars who have mastered the Puranas declare that Jayadratha was the son of Bṛhadmanasa”.

Krishnaya namah
