SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 17/06/2019
Bhagavatam 0537: The Kuru dynasty; the birth of Maharishi Vyasa

‘Uparicara Vasu sons were Bṛhadratha, Kuśāmba, Matsya, Pratyagra, Cedipa and others. They became the kings of Cēḍi province. Among them Bṛhadratha was the eldest.

Bṛhadratha’s son was Kuśāgra. His son was Rṣabha whose son was Satyahita. Satyahita’s son was Puṣpavān. His son was Jāhu. Bṛhadratha’s second wife gave birth to a fetus that was divided into two pieces. She discarded the two pieces born to her. A demoness Jara, playfully joined these pieces. Shouting, “Come to life, come to life” she infused life into it. This boy who came to life was known as Jarāsandha and was the son of Bṛhadratha. Jarāsandha’s son was Sahadeva whose son was Sōmāpi. his son was Śrutaśravasa.

Kuru’s son Parīkshit remained childless. However Kuru’s son Jahnu had a son Suratha, who was widely renowned. Suratha’s son was Vidūratha. His son was Sarvabhouma. His son was Jayasena whose son was Rādhika. Rādhika’s son was Ayutayu.

Ayatayu’s son was Krodhana. His son was Devātithi. Devātithi’s son was Rṣya whose son was Dilipa. His son was Pratīpa. Pratīpa’s sons were Dēvāpi, Śāntanu and Bāhlika. Among them Dēvāpi gave up the kingdom inherited from his father and retired into the forests. Thereafter Śantanu ascended the throne. In his previous birth Śāntanu was known as Mahābhiṣa. Any aged person whom he touched with his hands would attain youthfulness. Moreover the person would be blessed with mental peace. For showering peace and happiness upon others merely with the touch of his hands, his name Śāntanu became an apt title for him.

At one point for twelve consecutive years there was absolutely no rainfall in the kingdom. The learned Brahmin scholars said to Śantanu, “While your elder brother is alive you are wrongfully enjoying the rulership and kingly luxuries. Only when this sin is atoned, the kingdom will prosper. Hence you need to immediately hand over the kingdom to your elder brother”.

Śantanu immediately proceeded to the forests and prayed to his elder brother to take over the reins of the kingdom. However even before Śantanu could reach there, his minister sent some Brahmins to Dēvāpi. These Brahmins instigated Dēvāpi to walk on the path of atheists (pākanda) who transgress the rules of righteousness.

Dēvāpi, who had fallen from righteousness, now abused the righteous principles. For having transgressed the path of righteousness, Dēvāpi was unfit to become the ruler. Śantanu was freed from the sin that had tainted him. Instantly the rain-god showered plentiful rains throughout the kingdom.

Thereafter Dēvāpi took on to the path of Yoga and began to reside in the village Kalāpagrama. Towards the end of the Kali-yuga, the Moon dynasty will become extint. At this time Dēvāpi will become the cause for the revival of this lineage.

Pratīpa’s another son was Bāhlika. (He was the brother of Śantanu). His son was Somadatta. He had three sons Bhūri, Bhūriśrava and Śala. Śantanu, the son of Pratīpa, begot a son called Bheeṣma through wife Ganga.

Bheeṣma possessed absolute mind control. He was the foremost among the exponents in all subjects pertaining to righteousness (dharma). He was an ardent devotee of the Lord and was a learned scholar. He, who was the foremost amongst all brave warriors, defeated Paraśurama in battle.

From wife Satyavati, who was the daughter of a fisherman, Śantanu begot two sons Chitrāngada and Vichitravīrya. One day, a Gandharva named Chitrāngada killed Chintrāngada.

With His partial aspect, the Supreme Lord incarnated as a son of Satyavati, through the radiance of Maharishi Parāśara. He was Maharishi Vyāsa. Maharishi Krishna-dwaipāyana Vyāsa protected the Vedas. I learnt this Bhāgavatam from him” said Maharishi Śuka.

He further continued, “mahyaṁ putrāya śāntāyaparaṁ guhyam idaṁ jagau

The venerable sage Vyāsa, set aside his disciples such as Paila and Vaiṣampāyana to teach this Bhāgavatam, which contains the essence of all Vedas, exclusively to me, who am freed from desires, anger and other vices”.

Bhagawatam is unimaginably supreme. It is extremely auspicious. May Bhagawatam always be victorious! May Maharishi Veda Vyasa be victorious! May Maharishi Śuka be victorious! May all devotees of the Lord be victorious!

“I shall now narrate the descendants of King Śantanu. Ambika and Ambālika were the daughters of the King of Kashi. When their father announced of their swayamvara, Bheeṣma forcibly brought them to Hastinapura. Vicitravīrya married them both. He was deeply attached to them both. However Vicitravīrya was afflicted with atrophy and he died. As Vicitravīrya died without begetting any children, mother Satyavati commanded son Maharishi Vyasa to beget children. Maharishi Vyasa begot three sons Dhṛtarāśtra, Pānḍu and Vidura from Ambika, Ambālika.

Dhṛtarāśtra begot hundred sons and a daughter Duḥśala from wife Gāndhāri. Among these sons Duryodhana was the eldest. Due to a curse, Pānḍu was prevented from uniting with his wife. His wife Kunti begot a son Dharmaraja (Yudhiṣṭhira) from Lord Yama. From the radiance of the Wind-god she begot Bheema and from the radiance of Indra she begot Arjuna. From the radiance of the celestial physicians, the Ashwini-devatas, Pānḍu’s second wife Mādri gave birth to sons Nakula and Sahadeva.

The five Pandavas, begot five sons from wife Draupadi. O Parikshit, they were your uncles. Yudhisthira’s son was Prativindhya; Bheema’s son was Śrutasena; Arjuna’s son was Śrutakeerti; Nakula’s son was Śatānika and Sahadeva’s son was Śrutakarma. Moreoever the Pandavas had other sons too.

Yudhisṭhira begot a son called Devaka from wife Pauravi. Bheema begot a son called Ghaṭotkacha from wife Hiḍimba and a son called Sarvagata from wife Kāli. Sahadeva married Vijaya, the daughter of the king of mountains. From her he begot a son Suhotra.

From wife Karēṇumati, Nakula got a son Naramitra. From wife Uloopi, Arjuna got a son Irāvān.

