SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 02-08-2017
Bhagavatam 0492: Along with Prahlāda, Bali proceeds to Sutala

Keshavaya namah

Lord Vamana continued, “O Emperor Bali! The grandeur of Sutala planetary system is such that even Devatas desire it. Together with your friends and relatives proceed to Sutala. May you be blessed with auspiciousness! Even the Guardian-deities cannot insult or control you in Sutala. My discus will sever the heads of those demons who dare to override your dictates.

O brave warrior! In every possible way I shall protect you, your associates and your equipment. In Sutala I shall be eternally guarding your house and shall be visible to you. The demonic tendencies that exist in you due to your birth in the Danu-Diti clan as well as the desire for enjoying material comforts will dissolve in you in Sutala”.

With this the twenty-second chapter of the eighth canto comes to an end.

Eighth Canto Chapter Twenty-three

In this chapter, Emperor Bali becoming the monarch of the Sutala planetary system is narrated.

Maharishi Śuka continued, “Bali attentively heard all that Lord Vamana, the primordial being, had to say. Emperor Bali, the most exalted amongst noble souls, was overcome with total devotion. His voice chocked and became hoarse. His eyes were filled with tears. Folding his hands he prayed,

“O Lord, obeisance offered reverentially to You has truly astonishing results, because this obeisance can reward the devotee who has totally sought refuge in You with the fulfilment of the four goals of life (puruśārthas). You have shown such causeless mercy upon me, a base demon, which even the Devatas who protect the worlds, could never obtain”. Bali was then released from the noose. Together with all the demons, he offered obeisance to Lords Srihari, Brahma and Rudra. Very happily he left for Sutala planetary system. In this way the Supreme Lord Vāmana handed over heaven to Indra thereby fulfilling Mother Aditi’s desire. As Upendra He ruled the entire universe.

Prahlāda who heard that his grandson Bali had obtained the grace of Lord Srihari and that he had been released from the clutches, was very pleased. With overflowing love coupled with devotion, he said to the Lord,

“O Lord, Your lotus feet are worshipped by all the universes including Lords Brahma and Śiva. Although being the ultimate Supreme Lord, You have consented to be our door-keeper. Even Lords Brahma and Śiva nor Goddess Lakshmi can never obtain such great luck.

O Śaraṇāgata vatsala! O Lord who is filled with feelings of tender affection towards those who have surrendered! Brahma and all other Devatas obtain great fame merely by drinking the nectar from Your lotus feet. By birth we are demonic and are filled with wicked qualities. Nevertheless Your compassionate gaze fell upon us. How could this be possible?

O Lord, You are that skilled personality who, although being beyond the scope of the mind, use your illusionary energy to skilfully create all these worlds.
As You alone are the Absolute Truth which exists in everything, You perceive everything with equal-mindedness. Nevertheless, Your actions are strange. Your attitude towards devotees and non-devotees varies, causing great astonishment. O Lord, like the wish-fulfilling Kalpavṛksha tree that blesses those who near it, You too grant special blessings upon those who approach You with feelings of devotion”.

The Lord replied, “My dear son Prahlāda! May you be blessed with auspiciousness! You too proceed to reside in Sutala planetary system and enjoy with your grandson and all other relatives while bringing happiness to them.

Holding a mace in My hand I shall be there guarding the house. You will see Me every single day and will enjoy untold bliss. With this you will be freed from spiritual ignorance which is the root for all fruitive activities”.

Maharishi Śuka continued, “O Emperor Parikshit! Prahlāda, who was the leader for all different demonic armies, possessed pure transcendental Self-knowledge. He lowered his head in reverence accepting the Lord’s order. He circumambulated the Lord and offered obeisance to Him. Thereafter, together with Bali his entire retinue, he obtained the Lord’s permission and left for Sutala.

O Emperor! At that time, in that assembly of learned Vedic Brahmins, Śukracharya was seated adjacent to the priests and in close vicinity to Lord Vāmana. Lord Vāmana, who is none other than Nārayana, the destroyer of all sins in entirety, addressed Śukracharya and said,

“O Maharishi! When your disciple was elaborately performing the Yagna, there was some discrepancy in the ritual process. Now please rectify and complete it. Such defects get nullified when learned Vedic scholars cast a glance upon them”.

Śukracharya replied, “O Lord, You are the embodiment of Yagna. You are the enjoyer of Yagna who furthers all Yagna activities. Bali surrendered everything and worshipped You. Hence in such a ritual there cannot be any scope for discrepancy.

sarvaṁ karoti niśchidram nāmasaṅkīrtanaṁ tava

In a Yagna any discrepancy in regard to the mantra, the process of chanting the mantra, the location, time and the ingredients used for the Yagna get absolved by chanting Your divine names. With this the Yagna activity attains completeness.

Nevertheless, my Lord, I shall abide by Your command and rectify the defects. Abiding by Your command brings auspiciousness of the living entity”.

Having said this, Śukracharya abided by the command of the Supreme Lord. Together with the priests and Maharishis, he rectified the discrepancies in Bali’s Yagna and thus successfully completed the Yagna.

O Emperor! In this way Lord Srihari incarnated as Vāmana, begged land from Bali and returned it to his brother Indra, from whom it had been usurped earlier by demons.
Srihari thus brought happiness to the holy couple Aditi-Kaśyapa. For the well-being of all the living entities, he entrusted Vāmana as the lord for all the worlds and its Guardian-deities.

The celestial-sages, fore-fathers, humans, Daksha, Bhrigu, Angirasa, Sanat-kumara, Rudra and others assisted the Lord Brahma in accomplishing this task. For the well-being of all living entities, Lord Brahma appointed the ever-competent Lord Vāmana as the second Indra. Vāmana was entrusted with the lordship over all Vedas, all Devatas, righteousness in entirety, renown, prosperity, rituals, auspicious deeds, of all heavens and of liberation. All the living entities were jubilant upon knowing this.

Vāmanāya namah
