SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 02-08-2017
Bhagavatam 0484: The birth of Vamana

Nārasimhāya namah

Eighth Canto Chapter Eighteen

In this chapter, the Lord incarnates as Vāmana.

Maharishi Śuka said, “In this way Lord Brahma glorified the prowess and transcendental plays of Lord Srihari, the bestower of liberation. At that moment the lotus-eyed Lord Srihari emerged from the womb of Aditi. He was draped in yellow silken clothing and was holding the conch, lotus, mace and discus in His four hands.

This Supreme Lord who was dark in complexion was glowing radiantly. His face, which resembled a lotus, was glowing even more brightly due to the presence of the crocodile-shaped earrings that adorned his ears. On His chest the Srivatsa gem rested. He was wearing ornaments such as armlets, crown, bracelets, waist band and tinkling anklets. Male bees that encircled the exquisite Vanamala garland around His neck were buzzing melodiously. The Kausthuba gem was glittering on His chest. With His illumination He drove away the darkness from Kaśyapa Prajāpati’s house.

At that moment all the directions and water bodies were peaceful. All living entities experienced unexplainable happiness. All the trees and creepers pertaining to all seasons yielded fruits in abundance. Heavens, outer space, earth, mountains, the Devatas who accept the offerings through the medium of fire, cows and the Vedic scholars became very joyful.

On twelfth day of the waxing fortnight (dwadaśi) of the Bhādrapada (which comes around August-September), when the Moon was in Star Sravana, during the auspicious Abhijit Muhurtam that comes at mid-day, the Supreme Lord incarnated as Vāmana. The Star and planetary combinations at the time of his birth indicated auspiciousness.

O Emperor! Mahatmas declare that Lord Srihari incarnated on Dwadaśi exactly at noon. That day is celebrated as Vijaya-dwadaśi. At the time of his birth the sound of conches, drums, kettle drums and other such instruments were heard. Apsarasas danced in great joy. Gandharvas such as Haha and Huhu sang melodiously. Maharishis, Devatas, Manus, Pitr-devatas and Fire-gods offered prayers to the Lord.

The followers of the Devatas such as Siddhas, Vidyadharas, Gandharvas, Kinnaras, Kimpuruṣās, Cāraṇās, Yakshas, Raskhasas, Garuḍās and Nāgas sang melodiously and danced beautifully while raining flowers upon Mother Aditi’s hermitage. Using His illusionary energy composed of the three attributes, the Supreme Lord Srihari accepted a body. Seeing the Supreme Lord who had incarnated from Her womb, Mother Aditi was both ecstatic and astonished. In great astonishment Maharishi Kāsyapa exclaimed ‘May you be victorious!’ The original form of Lord Srihari is beyond the understanding of the senses. Such transcendental Lord took on a form that that visible to the senses, in which He was holding weapons and wearing ornaments. Even as the holy couple Maharishi Kaśyapa and Aditi were watching, this Supreme Lord transformed into a tiny dwarf, just as an actor would do.

Seeing this Lord Vāmana, who was dwarfish in appearance, Maharishis rejoiced. Then under the leadership of Maharishi Kaśyapa they completed naming ceremony and other obligatory rituals.

When Vāmana’s thread ceremony was in progress, Lord Sun personally initiated Him into the sacred Gayatri mantra. Brihaspati blessed Him with the sacred thread and Kaśyapa gifted Him with a sacred waist thread (molatādu).

Mother Earth blessed the Supreme Lord, who was in the form of dwarf Vāmana, with deerskin. Moon, who is the Lord of all herbs, gifted Him with a stick (palāṣa danda) held by Brahmacharis. Mother Aditi gave Him the Koupina (loin cloth) and the cloth that needs to be draped over the waist. The Lord of the heavens gifted Him with an umbrella.

Lord Brahma who is the repository of all Vedas gave Him a water pot (kamandalu). The seven great sages gifted Him with the darbha grass, Mother Goddess Saraswati gave Him a rosary. To Vāmana, who thus completed his thread ceremony, Kubera, the King of Yakshas, gave the begging bowl. Mother Goddess Uma, the chaste wife of Śiva, gave Him alms.

Lord Vāmana, the most supreme Brahmachari who was thus honoured by everyone, glowed radiantly in the assembly of supremely effulgent Maharishis. Thereafter Vāmana created the holy fire, spread the sacred darbha grass around it and then diligently offered worship. He performed homa using firewood.

Around this time, Emperor Bali, who was overflowing with prosperity and who had completed many Ashwamedha Yāgas with the help of the descendants of Bhrigu, had commenced yet another sacrificial Yāga ritual.

Vāmana, who was filled with the essence of all the worlds, came to know of this Yāga commenced by Bali. He immediately left for the place where Bali was conducting the Yāga. For every step that Vāmana took, Mother Earth began to shrink.

On the Northern banks of River Narmada there is a place called Bhrigukaccha. At this place the descendants of Bhrigu were helping demon-king Bali perform another Ashwamedha Yaga. They saw Vāmana who was approaching them and wondered if the rising Sun was walking towards them. His effulgence was such that it left them all stupefied!

The effulgence of the members assembled there, i.e. of descendants of Bhrigu, of the priests who were officiating the sacrifice, of Bali and the assembled guests, faded in front of Vamana’s effulgence. Was it the Sun-god or was it the Fire-god who was coming to see the Yāga? Or was it the great sage Sanat-kumara? – all of them were perplexed.

In this way, the descendants of Bhrigu along with their disciples tried their best to identify of this dwarf who was approaching them. By then Vāmana, holding the water-pot, stick and umbrella, entered into the arena were the Ashwamedha Yaga was being performed.

The Supreme Lord who had pretentiously assumed the form of a tiny dwarf was wearing a waist band made of straw. This celibate, who had matted locks, was wearing deerskin as his upper garment and as the sacred thread. Together with their students they all stood up and reverentially welcomed him in proper procedure.

Lord Vāmana possessed limbs that were exactly proportionate to his body size and form. He was wondrous to look at. His appearance was joyous to the mind. In reality His form was indescribable.

