SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 02-08-2017
Bhagavatam 0482: The Lord manifests before Aditi who follows the Payo-vrata ritual

Maharishi Kaśyapa continued, “He should chant the mantra 108 times and then should glorify the Lord through hymns. Happily he should circumambulate before the Lord and prostrate by falling flat on the ground. He should then take the flowers from the deity (nirmalya) and keep them reverentially on his head. He should then complete the worship process through udvāsana mantras.

Thereafter he should offer the food along with payasam (milk pudding) to at least two Vedic scholars. After satisfactorily honouring them he should, with their permission, consume the prasada along with his friends and relatives. He should strictly observe celibacy that night.

Next morning i.e. on padyami, he should bathe and purify himself. Then as per the dictates of the Scriptures he should perform milk abhishekam to Lord Srihari. With this he should complete the worship.

He should continue this ritual diligently until his desire is fulfilled. During the period of the vow he should consume only milk while devotedly worshipping Lord Srihari. He should complete the ritual with absolute dedication. In accordance to the method I have described previously he should complete the fire ritual (homa) and feed Vedic scholars. For twelve days he should, while consuming only milk, duly worship Srihari through puja and homa. He should duly feed Vedic Brahmin scholars.

In this way he should continue this ritual which he has begun on Phalguna Śukla Padyami (first day of this month which comes during February- March) until the thirteenth day of the month (trayodaśi). He should strictly observe celibacy, should sleep on the floor and bathe thrice daily.

He should totally abstain from telling lies, conversing with wicked people and participating in any useless, sinful conversations. He has to mandatorily stay away from all comforts irrespective of whether they are big or small. Non-violence should be practised towards every living entity. Eternally he should meditate upon the Supreme Lord.

On Trayodaśi (thirteenth day) he should, with the help of the Brahmanas who are well-versed in the scriptures, perform Pancāmṛta abhisheka (abhisheka with milk, curd, ghee, sugar and honey) to the Lord. He should not be miserly when it comes to spending money for the completion of these stipulated rituals and should instead complete the worship as elaborately as it is specified. He should not try to save money but should spend whole-heartedly.

He should prepare payasam (milk pudding) for appeasing Lord Srihari, the inner dweller. With absolute concentration of mind he should worship the Lord, offer Naivedya and please Him.

He should honour the spiritual teacher who is very learned. He should offer clothes, cows and ornaments to the spiritual teacher and to the priests and duly satisfy them. Understand that this itself is the worship of Lord Srihari.

O Aditi, the prasada should be distributed not only to the Vedic scholars but to all assembled guests as well. He should then offer dakshina (money) to the spiritual teacher and to the priests in accordance to their eligibility and worthiness. Even wicked persons who have assembled there should respectfully be offered tasty food and thus they too should be satisfied.

Only after distributing food to all the guests, including the poor, visually impaired and the downtrodden, the person should eat food along with his friends and relatives. Understand that Lord Vishnu is pleased when all guests are fed lavishly.

On all thirteen days, the Lord should be worshipped through dance performance, beating of drums, singing, chanting of hymns, chanting of auspicious swasti mantras and narrating the Lord’s transcendental glories.

Etat payo-vrataṁ nāma puruṣārādhanaṁ param Pitāmahenābhihitaṁ mayā te samudāhṛtam

This ritual is famous as Payo-vrata. This is the best method to worship Lord Srihari. I have narrated to you in minute detail about this ritual into which Lord Brahma had previously initiated me.

O supreme lady! With an absolutely pure mind filled with devotion adhere to this ritual with total dedication. Control your mind and worship the indestructible Lord.

O auspicious one! This ritual is also famous as sarva-vrata and sarva-yagna and is extremely dear to the Supreme Lord. It contains the entire essence of all forms of penance. It is the best among charities. Those disciplines by which the Supreme Lord Srihari is totally pleased are themselves the disciplines called Yama and Niyama. This itself is penance; this is charity; this is the best worship and it is the Yagna.

Therefore o auspicious one! Please strictly adhere to this ritual. The Supreme Lord will be pleased with you and will quickly fulfill your desire”- said Maharishi Kaśyapa. With this the sixteenth chapter of the eighth canto comes to an end.

Eighth Canto Chapter Seventeen

In this chapter, the Supreme Lord manifesting before Mother Aditi is covered.

Maharishi Śuka continued, “O Emperor! Without any agitation or laziness Mother Aditi strictly abided by all the disciplines taught by her husband and with absolute devotion worshipped the Lord for twelve days. To the chariot called body, the intellect (buddhi) is the charioteer. Holding the girdle called the mind she controlled the wild horses known as the 5 senses.

With single-pointed concentration she meditated upon the Supreme Lord who controls the entire universe. With undivided focus upon Him, who dwells as the Self within every living entity, she diligently completed the Payo-vrata.

O emperor! Then the Supreme Lord, who is the cause behind this entire creation, manifested as Srihari in a form that has four hands. This Lord, who was decked in yellow-silken garments, was holding the conch, discus, lotus and mace in His hands.

Seeing the Lord who had manifested before her eyes, Mother Aditi stood up in great ecstasy and with overflowing love she reverentially fell on to the ground and prostrated before Him. She then stood with her hands joined in namaskar mudra. Her eyes were welled up with tears of joy. The happiness caused her body to horripilate. She felt so ecstatic upon seeing the Supreme Lord. Even though she wanted to offer prayers to Him, in that state of ecstasy she was unable to do so. She remained immobile.

Due to the overflowing love her voice became hoarse. Even then, in a choked voice she sang hymns praising the Lord. She raised her hand and looked at the Supreme Lord, who is also the Lord of all Yagnas. It was as if she was drinking Him through her eyes. She prayed,

“O Lord who manifests in the form of Yagna! You are the Lord who bestows the results for Yagnas. Your lotus feet purify all devotees. River Ganga which purifies everyone originates from Your holy feet. Your transcendental pure glories shower purity upon the people who sing or narrate them. Merely listening to Your name grants auspiciousness. You incarnate to dispel the distress of the devotees who are in trouble.

O Supreme Lord! You are the cause for the entire creation. Please shower happiness upon us. You are the Lord who protects the downtrodden”.

Puruśottamaya namah
