SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 02-08-2017
Bhagavatam 0473: The war.. contd

Govindaya Namah

Demon Bali now created a huge fire which was as fierce as the devastating fire of destruction. Due to the high intensity winds it began to quickly envelop the entire place and burn down the entire Devata army. Meanwhile the ocean began to cross its boundaries flooding the entire place. Whirlpools and the huge waves created by it, accompanied by heavy winds instilled fear in the Devatas.

In this way the demons, who had become invisible, created illusionary situations with the help of their knowledge of sorcery. The terrified and dejected, Devatas, including their leader Indra remained clueless about the methods to counter this illusion.

They then meditated upon the Supreme Lord Srihari, who manifested before them. The Lord had placed his tender feet upon the shoulders of Garuda, His vehicle. He had draped yellow silken clothing around his waist. His eyes resembled a newly blossoming tender lotus. In each of his eight hands, he was holding a weapon. Mother Goddess Lakshmi was seated in His chest. He was also wearing Kausthuba gem around his neck. He was wearing precious crown and earrings.

As soon as the Supreme Lord entered the battlefield, the illusion created by the demons vanished completely. **Hari-smṛtiḥ sarva-vipad-vimokṣaṇam **– recollecting Srihari’s divine names frees the person from all forms of adversities.

Upon seeing the Supreme Lord in the battlefield, the demon Kalanemi, who was seated on a lion, was incensed. Immediately he took up a spear in his hand and hurled it at the Lord. Just as the spear was about to hit Garuda’s head, the Supreme Lord, who is the Lord for all the three worlds, playfully caught it. He then used the same weapon to destroy Kālanemi along with his vehicle.

The mighty demon warriors Māli and Sumāli, who observed this, now held their weapons and rushed to fight with Lord Srihari. Srihari used His discus to sever their heads from their bodies. As they collapsed, demon Mālyavān, rushed forward roaring loudly like a lion. He hit Garuda and the Lord with a heavy club. Then the Supreme Lord Srihari used the discus to sever the head of this enemy.

With this the tenth chapter of the eighth canto comes to an end.

This is a wonderful description of the war which is indescribable. It was like the fiery fire of destruction that enveloped all directions. It enveloped all the fourteen planes of existence including the planes wherein human, birds, animals, ghosts, Devatas and other entities reside.

Eighth Canto Chapter Eleven

In this chapter Lord Indra killing demon Namuci is covered.

Maharishi Śuka continued, “Until now the Devatas had suffered in the hands of demons. Now, with the grace of the Supreme Lord, they were now cheerful. With renewed enthusiasm Lords Indra, Vayu, Agni and other Devatas now began to trash the demons ruthlessly.

The venerable Lord Indra, who had in the past killed demon Pākasura, was infuriated with demon-king Bali. He aimed his thunderbolt at the demon-king. Seeing this, the demons began to lament, “O, how sad! Alas.”

However Emperor Bali was not alarmed. Fully equipping himself with the weapons needed for battle, he began to wander all around the battlefield fighting with the enemies. Seeing Bali who was in front of him, Indra, holding the powerful thunderbolt in his hands, chastised him saying,

“O great fool! Using sweet, cajoling words a cheat holds children under his sway. Blindfolding them he then snatches from them their wealth. Similarly, resorting to illusory techniques, you seek to obtain victory over us. Do you know that we are the Lords of these illusory techniques?

The person who uses illusory mystical powers to reach heavens or to travel to the planes that are situated beyond the heavens is a cheat. He is a fool. I will throw such a person far below his existing plane of residence.

O dull-witted fool! With this thunderbolt of mine, which has a hundred sharp edges I am now going to sever that head of yours, which resorts to wicked illusory techniques. Together with all your kinsmen you can try to counter the deftness of my weapon”.

In response Bali said, “All those who are controlled by eternal time and who engage in battle are destined to obtain either victory, failure, renown or death.

**Tad idaṁ kāla-raśanaṁ janaḥ paśyanti sūrayaḥ - **O Indra, it is time that determines fame, ill-fame, victory and failure. Intelligent persons who are aware of this profound truth, do not rejoice when faced with victory. Nor do they grieve when faced with failure.

O Indra, you lack this intelligence hence you perceive your efforts to be the cause of your success and failures. Noble Mahatmas pity you for your lack of wisdom. Therefore I do not consider it worthy to hurl insulting words upon you which pierce the heart”.

Having said this, Emperor Bali, who had the prowess to defeat mighty heroes, caused pain to Indra. He then pulled the string of the bow till it reached his ear and then released sharp arrows that hit Indra.

Indra could not tolerate the truthful words uttered by Bali. Like an elephant hit by a goad, Lord Indra, the destroyer of foes, now attacked Bali with his powerful thunderbolt. Hit by the thunderbolt Bali collapsed to the ground just like the mountain whose wings have been chopped off”.

Vishnave namah
