SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 02-08-2017
Bhagavatam 0469: Mohini begins to distribute nectar

While looking at them with her tender, loving gazes, the Supreme Lord, who was in the form of a lovely lady said,

“You state that you are the sons of Kaśyapa Prajapati. However I am only a prostitute. How is it that you want to abide by my words? Under no circumstances does a learned scholar ever put his faith in a lustful woman who entices him.

O demons who despise Devatas! Just as jackals always search for newer flesh, woman who wander independently always search for newer men. Elders state that friendships made by such women are not stable or permanent”.

Thus, this lady, with her charming illusory words stole the hearts of all the demons. Without disclosing the lustful desire that overflowed from their hearts, they just gave a restrained, suppressed laugh. They then entrusted her with the pot of nectar that was in their custody.

Thereafter the Lord, who had come there as Mohini, held the nectar pot in His hand, and lovingly addressed them and said, “My dear demons, you will have to accept my actions irrespective of whether they are good or bad. You should not oppose. Only if you agree to this condition I will distribute the nectar”.

The demon-chieftains who heard her words remained unsure about her actual opinion. Hence they silently accepted her conditions.

Then this divine damsel fasted for an entire day. Early next morning, she bathed and then offered due oblations into the sacrificial fire (homa). She offered food to cows and other living entities. She gave charities to Vedic Brahmin scholars. She asked the Vedic scholars to chant the auspicious Vedic swasti mantras.

Thereafter all the Devatas and demons wore new clothes and having decked themselves in appropriate ornaments, they got ready to obtain nectar. All of them sat on east-facing straw mats. The area was fully decorated with flower garlands and lamps. The fragrance from the incense sticks enveloped the entire area.

The beautiful damsel now walked into the arena holding the pot of nectar. Her anklets were melodiously tinkling. Her eyes were glowing in joy. This lady who possessed very wide hips was elegantly draped in a beautiful sari. Her gait was gentle and delicate. She, who was comparable to Goddess Lakshmi in every aspect, illumined like a divine Goddess. Her face was glowing due to her lovely cheeks, ears, nose and the golden earrings. As she walked, the sari covering her chest, slightly slipped. She cast a charming captivating gaze upon the Devatas and demons. Bewildered, they were gazing solely at her.

Asurāṇāṁ sudhā-dānaṁ sarpāṇām iva durnayam Matvā jāti-nṛśaṁsānāṁ na tāṁ vyabhajad acyutaḥ

Demons are wicked by birth. Showering nectar upon them is akin to feeding milk to snakes. Considering this to be against the dictates of the scriptures, Srihari did not give to demons their share of nectar.

The Supreme Lord asked the Devatas and demons to sit in two separate rows. Lord Srihari, who was in the form of the divine damsel, then walked very close to the demons alluring them with sweet words and gentle gait, while supplying nectar to the Devatas who were seated far away. Those who drink nectar are freed from old age and death. Due to the love surging in their hearts towards her, the demons remained silent.

The Devatas desired only nectar. The demons desired sensual love. To each she gave what they wanted. Through her charming smile and tender gazes she soaked the hearts of the demons while feeding nectar to the Devatas. The demons drank her beauty while Devatas drank nectar.

The demons who considered fighting with a woman below their dignity, recollected the conditions initially put forth by her and remained quiet. Moreover, their lustful feelings towards her had surged significantly and they did not want to cause any obstacle to that love. She too pampered them through her loving gestures and bound them with the rope called love. In every aspect, barring supplying nectar, she was giving them undue importance and respect. With this they remained speechless.

Meanwhile, the demon Rahu, however disguised himself as a Devata and, entering into the line wherein Devatas were seated, drank nectar. The Sun-god and Moon-god recognised Rahu and informed Lord Srihari.

The Supreme Lord Srihari immediately dispatched His discus and chopped off the head of Rahu, while he was drinking nectar”. Krishnāya namah
