SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 02-08-2017
Bhagavatam 0468: The Lord’s incarnation as Mohini

Purushottamaya namah

“Seeing the pot of nectar in Dhanvantari’s hands, the demons, who had in them the uncontrollable greed to snatch every object that emerged, forcibly grabbed the pot of nectar. Seeing this ghastly deed of the demons, the Devatas were totally pained. They were distressed and saddened at this unexpected outcome. Immediately they sought refuge in Lord Srihari’s lotus feet. Srihari is that Supreme Lord who completes the tasks of his attendants. Seeing the dejected faces of the Devatas He said, ‘My dear Devatas! Do not grieve. Using My illusionary energy I shall secretly complete your task’.”

Maharishi Śuka continued, “O Emperor Parikshit! The uncontrollable desire to drink nectar surged in the demons. In their urgency to drink nectar, they began to fight among themselves and scream-‘I should be first; you cannot drink first; me first.’

Just as the benefit of a Satra yāga accrues to everyone, the nectar which emerged from the ocean, righteously belonged to both the Devatas and the demons who had worked equally hard for procuring it. This is the ancient dharma. However the demons violated this rule. When the powerful and mighty demons began to run away holding the pot of nectar, the weaker demons, who were overcome with jealousy, tried in many ways to stop them. The infighting among the demons intensified.

Etasminn antare viṣṇuḥ sarvopāya-vid īśvaraḥ Yoṣid-rūpam anirdeśyaṁ dadhāra-paramādbhutam

Then the Supreme Lord Vishnu, who is ever-competent and who has a plan to counteract any impossible situation, took on the form of a young maiden of indescribable beauty and stood amidst them. Every limb of this strikingly beautiful young maiden was astonishing. With her blackish complexion, she resembled a tender black lotus and had lovely proportionate eyes. Her lovely earrings dazzled. Her lovely thick hair was beautifully decorated with jasmine flower strings. Beautiful necklaces and garlands were delicately resting on her shoulders. Her arms were decorated with lovely armlets. She was draped in a pure, clean sari and her two breasts that were covered by her sari appeared like large islands. A lovely waistband glittered on her waist. Her delicate feet were decorated with tinkling anklets. With beautiful cheeks and raised nose, her face was exceptionally attractive. Her youthful radiance caused her to illumine profusely. Due to her heavy breasts her waist appeared very slim. Huge bees, attracted by the fragrance emanating from her face, surrounded her, buzzing melodiously. With charming sensuous smile and with the movement of her eyebrows, she shyly looked at the demons. Her sensuous smile caused the hearts of all demons to overflow with uncontrollable lustful desires.

With this the eighth chapter of the eighth canto comes to an end.

Eighth Canto Chapter Nine

In this chapter, the Lord’s incarnation as Mohini is elaborated.

Maharishi Śuka continued, “O Emperor, seeing the pot of nectar the demons discarded feelings of love towards each another and had begun to behave like dacoits. In their enmity and urgency to drink nectar, they were snatching and throwing the pot of nectar from one to another. In this situation, their eyes fell on the strikingly beautiful woman who was gracefully walking towards them.

‘Aha! What beauty! What radiance! How wonderful is this lady who is in the prime of her youth!’- through each of them. The lady’s face radiated with a new-never-before-seen beauty! ‘For the first time, such a beautiful, sensuous woman has appeared before me. Who could this be?’ Lord Manmatha, the lord of love, emerged in their hearts and they succumbed completely to sexual lusty desires.

That’s all! Captivated by this divine damsel, in great eagerness, all of them rushed towards her and surrounding her excitedly enquired, “O lotus-eyed beautiful lady! Who are you? From where have you come? What is the purpose of your visit here? To whom do you belong? Please answer. You are stealing our minds completely.

We believe that Devatas, demons, Siddhas, Cāraṇās, Gandharvas and Guardian-deities have never ever touched you so far. If this is true, is there any special need to mention that human beings would never have touched you?

O lovely lady, you possess extra-ordinarily beautiful eyebrows. We believe that the Supreme Lord, out of total compassion, has sent you to please all our sense organs and mind. This surely is true.

O slender-waisted Manini! We are all brothers, nevertheless a particular object has created rift amongst us all. Providence has sent you to us. Please help us resolve our differences and give us comfort.

We, the sons of Kasyapa Prajapati, have collectively put in a lot of effort to procure nectar. Therefore, we request you divide the nectar equally in such a way that there are no more disputes”. .

When the demons thus requested the Supreme Lord Srihari, who had taken on the form of the beautiful woman Mohini, she looked at them and smiled tenderly with love-filled gaze. She said,

“You state that you are the sons of Kaśyapa Prajapati. However I am only a prostitute. How is it that you want to abide by my words? Under no circumstances does a learned scholar ever put his faith in a lustful woman”. .

Upendraya namah
