SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 02-08-2017
Bhagavatam 0464: From the tortoise we should learn to withdraw the senses

Śrirāmaya namah

“Shiva immediately took into his palms the terrible hālahala poison, which was spreading in all the ten directions, and gulped it!”

How to counter a nuclear bomb? Scientists have to discover another object which completely neutralizes the nuclear bomb. It should be put to use just when the nuclear bomb is about to be dropped such that it will swallow the nuclear bomb. If science has not already discovered such neutralizing agent until now, then they have to develop it. It is inevitable. It will happen. The trick lies in the timing when neutralizing agent is put to use. It should be activated exactly around the same time when the nuclear bomb explodes. After the nuclear bomb completes its destruction, releasing the neutralizing bomb is absolutely useless. In the fantasy movies perhaps such bombs and neutralizing agents are shown. What appeared as unreal ten years back, now has an existence due to developments in science. In this situation hālahala poison was like a terrible atomic bomb.

More important than this was the powerful shell of the tortoise which was supporting the enormous mountain while withstanding the turmoil caused due to rapid churning. Everything was astonishing!

Out of love for their Lord, devotees often sing- O Lord, how much pain you have endured during the churning of the ocean. The ocean turned red due to the blood that flowed from your body. Only you could withstand such intense friction. That high intensity friction was essential for nectar to emerge. Innumerable trees and herbs were thrown into the ocean so that their medicinal properties could be churned. We can perhaps assume that all the trees that existed on earth were thrown into the ocean before churning.

A tortoise withdraws its limbs and protects them under its shell. Its senses are very sharp and it can gauge human movements in the vicinity. Only when it is absolutely sure of its safety, it again continues its movement. Even in human being the back is sturdy. So are the bones. Generally bones have a higher bearing capacity and do not get injured easily. In the earlier eons, sages used to develop absolute control over their senses (indriya nigraha) at times of danger. They would sit like immobile rocks. There will be absolutely no body movement. More importantly their mind would totally withdrawn from this world. Only when the mind travels outwards, the risk of falling trap to infatuation exists. When the mind does not move, who can harm them?

Only when mind and senses wander as they please the man falls to lowest levels. This applies to both men and women. Do not give any freedom to the sense organs. It is imperative. The moment freedom is given, downfall is certain. The eye, ear, tongue, skin and nose should always be kept under tight control. Learn to live like a tortoise. Mahatmas always preach this.

Can you imagine the plight of Krishna Paramatma who, in the form of a tortoise, endured the intense friction caused by the rapid movement of the mountain against his back? As is, He has a very delicate back. While describing the back of her son Krishna, Mother Yashoda says- O, what a tender, delicate back Krishna has! What would have been his plight when the Devatas and demons retained the mountain upon it? O dear, what pain He would have endured at that hour?

The poison which emerged from the ocean during churning had an severe impact even on Lord Śiva. Due to the poison, Śiva’s neck turned blackish-blue. It is said that Mother Goddess Parvati held the Lord’s neck to prevent the poison from flowing into his body. As a result of this poison a line was formed on His neck. He was known as Neelakanṭa. There is a ring necked parrot which we call Shiva pakshi. This bird wakes up during the very early hours and chirps loudly. It calls Shiva, Vishnu and also repeats its own name.
