SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 02-08-2017
Bhagavatam 0454: Description of other Manvantaras; Devatas approach Lord Brahma

Eighth Canto Chapter Five

In this chapter the churning of the ocean and the prayer to the Universal Lord are covered.

Maharishi Śuka continued, “O emperor! The pious story of Gajendra’s liberation destroys all sins. I have narrated this in detail to you. I will now explain about Raivata Manvantara. Raivata, the brother of Tāmasa, became the well-known fifth Manu. Arjuna, Bali, Vindhya and Mahaveerya were his sons. Among them Arjuna was the eldest.

In this Manvantara ruled by Raivata, Vibhu was Indra, the Lord of heaven. Bhūtarayas, Sumēdhasas and others took on positions as Devatas. Hiraṇyarōma, Vedaśiras, Urdhvabāhu, Vedaśri and others became the seven great sages.

Śubhra was one among the seven great sages. His wife was Vikunṭha. The Supreme Lord, with his partial aspect, incarnated as the son this holy couple and was known as Vaikunṭa. Devatas known as Vaikunṭās were also born along with Him.

In order to bring joy to Mother Goddess Lakshmi and as requested by Her, Vaikunṭa created a plane (loka) called Vaikunṭha. All living entities eternally worship this plane Vaikunṭha. I have explained to you earlier about the emergence of this Lord Vaikunṭha, his compassion and His influence. The person who can count the all grains of sand on earth is alone capable of describing entirely the transcendental glories of this Supreme Lord.

Thereafter Chākṣuṣā, the son of Chakṣu, became the sixth Manu ruler. Pūru, Puruṣa, Sudyumna were his sons. In this Chākṣuṣa Manvantara period, Mantradruma assumed the position of Indra, the ruler of heaven. Āpyas, Parāvṛtās and others took on positions as Devatas. Haviṣmān, Vīraka, Bhṛigu and others became the seven great sages. In this Manvantara, the Self-effulgent Supreme Lord, who is the Lord of the universe, with his partial aspect incarnated as the son of the holy couple Vairāja and Sambhūti and became famous as Ajita.

Payodhiṁ yena nirmathya surāṇāṁ sādhitā sudhā Bhramamāṇo ’mbhasi dhṛtaḥ kūrma-rūpeṇa mandaraḥ

The Supreme Lord Ajita churned the ocean of milk and brought nectar to the Devatas. Taking on the form of a tortoise he rested the Mandara Mountain, which was used as a churning rod, on His back”.

Hearing this Emperor Parikshit instantly enquired, “O revered saint! For whom did the Lord churn the ocean of milk? How did He churn the ocean? Why did He take on the form of a tortoise and rest the Mountain Mandara on His back? I am eager to know all these details. How did the Devatas obtain nectar? What happened thereafter? O great sage, please explain in detail this transcendental feat of the Supreme Lord.

Srihari is the Lord for all pure devotees who are filled with traits of goodness. My mind which has been suffering due to the three afflictions from an unknown period of time is not deriving satisfaction even after you have marvellously explained His transcendental glories. I crave to hear more of the divine glories of Lord Srihari. Please narrate them.”

Maharishi Śuka, the son of Maharishi Krishna Dwaipāyana (Vedavyasa), applauded Emperor Parikshit for his keen enquiry. He then made an effort to describe the glories of the transcendental Lord Srihari. He was greatly pleased to be bestowed with the opportunity to speak about the glories of that infinite Lord, which he loved the most. He said, “Previously, at one point of time, the demons, equipped with very sharp, powerful weapons, set out to war with the Devatas. During the war that ensued, many Devatas lost their lives.

O emperor, once upon a time, due to the curse pronounced by Maharishi Durvasa, all the three worlds including heaven ruled by Indra, lost all their prosperity. At that time Yagnas, Yāgās and all other rituals came to a halt.

Observing this pitiable condition, Indra, Varuna and all other Devatas discussed among themselves but could not find any solution by which they could set right this helpless situation. They then went to Mount Meru and approaching Lord Brahma, who was seated there, bowed to Him in reverence and narrated to him all that had happened.

Lord Brahma observed the lustreless faces of the Devatas. He observed the worlds that were filled with inauspiciousness and the demons who were thriving prosperously. With absolute concentration He mediated upon Sriman Nārāyana, the Supreme Lord, and was overflowing with bliss. With a pleasant happy face he addressed the Devatas and said,
“O Devatas! Rudra, myself, you, demons, humans, animals, birds, trees, insects, worms and all other forms of living entities have been created out of the a tiny aspect of the Universal Lord, who is the incarnation of the Supreme Lord. Let us seek refuge under that indestructible Supreme Lord.”

Govindāya namah
