SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 02-08-2017
Bhagavatam 0425: Lord Rudra kills the demons who reside in Tripura

Damodarāya namah

Maharishi Nārada continued, “Devatas and Guardian-deities collectively approached Lord Rudra and prayed, “O Lord, demons residing within the 3 invisible metallic cities (Tripura), created by demon Maya, are destroying us. We are in great distress. They come and attack us suddenly catching us off guard. O Lord, kindly protect us. We belong to You and are your followers.”

Hearing their pleas, the ever-competent Lord Rudra re-assured them. He then fixed his arrow into his bow and aimed it at the 3 cities (Tripura). Just as innumerable rays emanate from the Sun, innumerable fiery arrows emerged from his arrow and burnt down all the inhabitants of the 3 cities (Tripura).

Demon Maya, who had mystical powers, then created a deep well containing nectar (amrita) and dropped all dead demons into it. Due to the presence of nectar all of them were restored to life. With bodies as powerful as thunderbolts the demons were now invincible. They shone like the lightning which shines between the clouds.

Realizing that all his efforts were wasted, Rudra was agitated. At that moment Srihari, who had incarnated as Srikrishna, came up with a plan by which these 3 cities could be destroyed. Accordingly, Lord Brahma transformed into a calf while Vishnu became a cow. They entered into these 3 cities around noon and drank the nectar completely from the well.

The demons, who were completely covered by illusion, observed the cow and calf drinking nectar but made no attempt to stop them. Demon Maya who came to know of this, realized that it was a sport of destiny and hence was not agitated. Furthermore, addressing the demons who were grieving he said,

“O demons, in this world neither any Devata, demon, human nor any other living entity is capable of overriding what has been destined for him, for others, or for them collectively by the Supreme Lord. Please remember this always”.

Thereafter Lord Vishnu using His supreme powers supplied Rudra with all the materials needed for war. Using righteousness (dharma) He created a chariot; using knowledge (jnana) He created a charioteer; using dispassion (vairagy) He created a flag; using wealth He created horses; using penance He created a bow, using education He created an armour (shield), using Vedic austerities He created an arrow and with other potencies He created other war equipment.

Rudra who was equipped for war now mounted the chariot and set out holding the bow and arrow in his hand. During the auspicious Abhijit lagna, which comes at noon, he fixed the arrow to the bow and released the arrow which burnt down the 3 cities that were otherwise impenetrable.

Seeing the destruction of the three cities, space was crowded with hundreds and thousands of celestial planes, in which were seated the elated celestials. They beat the kettle-drums to celebrate the victory. Devatas, Celestial-sages, fore-fathers and accomplished siddhas shouted victory slogans applauding Lord Shiva and rained flowers upon Him. Some sang melodiously in His praise. Some divine damsels danced in joy. Lord Rudra thus destroyed the 3 cities (Tripura). As Brahma and other Devatas glorified him, he returned to his residence.

Srihari is the father of this universe. He is the Guru and the form of the Self. Using His illusory energies, He took on a human form and displayed his transcendental prowess. His glories, which are sung by great saints, purify human beings. What more do you seek to hear from me?” asked Maharishi Nārada.

With this the tenth chapter of the Seventh Canto comes to an end.

Seventh Canto Chapter Eleven

In this chapter, the duties of righteousness (dharma) as prescribed for human beings, the rules for the different stages of life and the rules pertaining to women are detailed.

Maharishi Śuka said to Emperor Parikshit, “Lord Srihari in his incarnation as Vamana measured the entire cosmos in three feet. The story of demon-king Prahlāda who retained such Lord Srihari firmly in his heart is simply superb. Noble souls glorify this story in their gatherings. Yudhishthira, who was the most supreme among noble persons, heard the story with rapt attention and rejoiced. He then enquired,

“O venerable saint! Please explain to me the dharma (duty) which enables a human being to obtain liberation, which is the ultimate goal among the four goals of life (puruśārthas)? Please explain that dharma which is suited to the different castes and stages of life of human beings and which is ancient. I am desirous of knowing them all.

O Maharishi! You are the son of Lord Brahma. Due to your austerities, devotion and single-focussed mind, you are the most respected among all his sons. Only Vedic scholars of your supreme cadre who have Lord Nārāyaṇa as their ultimate goal, who are overflowing with compassion and who are peace-loving, have the knowledge of this ultimate dharma which is considered absolutely secretive”.

Why did Yudhishthira seek to learn this dharma which would lead a person towards liberation? This was because, due to the strength of his penance and due to his unsurpassable might, Hiraṇyakaśipu conquered the 3 worlds retaining the inhabitants of all the 3 planes together with the Guardian-deities under his control. Although he conquered all planes he failed to walk on the path called devotion towards Srihari. Therefore, his external successes could not help him in anyway. Through the medium of Maharishi Nārada, Yudhishthira wanted to teach the people of this world the important dharmas that take the person towards liberation. He was already well-versed in them but wanting to educate the masses he questioned Maharishi Nārada.

