SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 02-08-2017
Bhagavatam 0424: Due to single-pointed focus upon the Lord, demons get liberated

Govindāya namah

Maharishi Nārada continued,

“Due to the curse of Sanaka and other supreme saints, the two attendants of Maha-vishnu were thereafter reborn as demons Ravana and Kumbhakarṇa. Lord Srirama, who is of supreme might, killed them both. When Srirama tore apart their hearts using his arrows, they fell to the ground. Just as in their previous birth, they left their bodies when their minds were filled with thoughts of Lord Vishnu.

In this eon, they were reborn as Śiṣupāla and Dantavaktra and lived with absolute aversion to Lord Srihari. Even as you were watching they both merged into Srihari. Many other kings who, due to aversion towards Srikrishna, blasphemed Him in various ways and through this incurred limitless sin. However just as the insect, due to eternally focussing upon the bumble bee obtains the form of the bumble bee, these sinners attained the form of the Lord due to completely focusing upon Him at the time of their death.

Yudhishthira, you wanted to know how King Śisupāla, the son of Damaghosha, merged into the Lord even though he was always filled with aversion towards Krishna. I have now narrated the story in entirety to you.

This story which explains about the incarnation of Lord Srihari, Lord of all Lords who is devoted towards Vedic scholars and who is the Supreme Self, is extremely pious. In this story, the killing of demons Hiraṇyakṣa and Hiraṇyakaśipu has been detailed. The story of Prahlāda, the exalted devotee of Lord Srihari, has also been explained.

Explanations about devotion, supreme knowledge and dispassion (vairagya), about the real form of Lord Srihari have been given. The qualities of Lord Srihari who is responsible for creation, sustenance and dissolution of the universe as well as His transcendental plays have been detailed. The locations of the supreme Devatas as well as the locations of the debased demons and how time can simply turn everything up-side down have been covered. Just as the foetus in the womb turns up-side down, time caused everything to go haywire.

The devotional dharmas which lead us toward Godhead, the discriminatory knowledge of permanent and impermanent objects in the creation, and the definition of original form of the Self have been beautifully narrated in this story. In this pious story, the heroism and prowess of Maha-vishnu has been highlighted in great detail.

The person who, with absolute dedication, describes or listens to this story will be freed from all karmic worldly bondages. The person who listens or diligently studies this complete story which explains in detail the transcendental plays of the Supreme Lord during His incarnation as Narasimha, the death of the demon-king Hiraṇyakaśipu and the pure qualities of Prahlāda, the son of Hiraṇyakaśipu and the best among devotees, will obtain that Self-knowledge which is beyond all forms of fears”.

Maharishi Nārada continued, “Aha! In this human plane, you are supremely fortunate. This is because the Supreme Lord has secretly incarnated as a human being and is residing within your home. For this reason, supreme saints who purify the entire universe are entering your home from all over the world.

Through the path of meditation, Maharishis search for the Supreme Lord who is non-dual, peaceful, who is extolled profusely in the Vedas, and who has unending bliss as His form. That Supreme Lord Srikrishna has incarnated as your cousin. Living like your dear friend He seeks your well-being, gives you the right advice, completes the tasks assigned by you and accepts your worship.

Even Lords Brahma and Rudra fail to describe His original qualities using their intellect. Spiritual aspirants worship Him through silence (mouna), sense-control and devotion. May Lord Srikrishna who sustains and rules his devotees be pleased with us!

In earlier times when demon Maya, who was an expert sorcerer, defamed Lord Rudra, it was Lord Srihari who restored Rudra’s reputation”- said Maharishi Nārada.

Hearing this Emperor Yudhishthira questioned, “O revered saint! Rudra is the Lord of all living entities. Why and how did demon Maya destroy His reputation? How did Srikrishna cause Rudra’s reputation to expand? Please explain this.”

Maharishi Nārada replied, “O Yudhishthira! In earlier times, due to the grace of Lord Srikrishna, the powerful Devatas easily vanquished the asura demons in the battle. At that time, the asura demons approached demon Maya, the infallible conjurer, and sought refuge under him.

Maya who was exceptionally competent then built 3 cities made of gold, silver and iron respectively for the residence of the asura-demons who had sought shelter under him. These 3 cities resembled huge celestial aircrafts. As they were invisible, their locations remained undisclosed. The articles and appliances contained in them were far beyond any imagination.

Seizing this opportunity, the demons who lived in these 3 invisible cities, now recollected their past enmity with all the Devatas. As they were invisible they went about destroying everything in all the three planetary systems”.

Demons are eternally averse to traits of purity and to Mahatmas. Destroying everything in creation is their pastime.

Vāmanāya namah
