SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 02-08-2017
Bhagavatam 0413: Prahlada's prayer

Little Prahlāda continued to pray, “O Lord Narasimha! Please withdraw Your anger now that the demon has been killed. When scorpion, snake and other poisonous entities are killed even saintly persons, who strictly abide by principle of non-violence (ahimsa) rejoice”.

In general saints strictly abide by the principle of non-violence. They condemn violence against animals, humans or any living entity. However it is said that killing a violent animal or human being who is torturing and mercilessly killing others in the society, is acceptable. For instance, poisonous snakes and scorpions sting any person for no apparent reason. Hence killing them is approved. Hunting and killing wild animals that are causing great havoc to the ordinary citizens is agreeable. When tigers turn man-eaters, they need to be killed. Innocent animals however should never be killed.

You perhaps may wonder why Prahlāda remained quiet when the Lord was mercilessly killing his father. Prahlāda was aware that his father was torturing many innocent saintly persons. Hence he accepted it.

“rūpaṁ nṛsiṁha vibhayāya janāḥ smaranti- In order to dispel their fears, people will remember this auspicious form of Yours, O Lord”.

By eternally remembering Lord Narasimha, inner hidden fears are dispelled. Even poisonous snakes cannot harm such persons.

“O ever-victorious Lord! O Lord who has never faced defeat! Your face which comprises of Your ferocious tongue and mouth, large eyes that are comparable to the glowing Sun, eyebrows that are knitted due to intense wrath and your fiery sharp teeth looks fearsome.

O supreme Lord! You are always beautiful and enchanting to look at. Your appearance is always pleasant and calm. Your face is beautiful like a lotus. Why then do retain this fearsome face which instils fear in everyone?

Your eyes which are like huge fireballs, Your mouth that is as hollow as a large planet, Your fiery blood-soaked mane, the garland of intestines which You have worn around Your neck as if they are flower garlands, Your tumultuous roar which causes herds of mighty elephants to tremble, Your long wide sharp ears and Your long blood soaked nails with which you kill enemies do not create fear in me. Although Your appearance if fearsome I am not afraid.

O Lord, You are an epitome of compassion. You are filled with overflowing love towards the down-trodden. Due to the strength of my past bad karmas I was born in amidst cruel-hearted demons who mercilessly torture and kill others”.

Many carnivorous animals torture the prey before killing it. They catch the prey and after injuring it a little, loosen the grip over it. While the prey struggles and wriggles in pain and tries to escape, it once again injures the prey with their paw. In this way they play for a long time with their prey before it. In front of the atrocities of Hiranyakaśipu and his demon clan, the activities of these carnivorous animals appear insignificant.

“I, who am born among these terrible demons, do not fear them. I fear only this repeated cycle of re-births within which I have been revolving endlessly”.

Janardhanaya namah
