SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 02-08-2017
Bhagavatam 0407: Emergence of Lord Narasimha

Nārasimhāya namah

Prahlāda continued, “O father, an unrestrained mind runs in the wrong direction. Barring the mind, there is no enemy in this creation. There are some who, without controlling their six inner enemies known as five senses and mind or the six enemies known as lust and other desires (kāma), anger (krodha), greed (lobha), infatuation (moha), envy (matsarya) and arrogance (mada), take pride that they have controlled the 10 directions”.

What is the use of conquering the external world when one fails to control his inner senses and mind? What is the use of external victory when one fails to control lust, anger and other enemies? Conquering inner enemies is far more difficult than conquering the external world.

“To the supremely knowledgeable person (jnani), who has conquered the mind, and who has feelings of equal-mindedness towards all living entities, there can be no enemies. Due to feelings ‘this is mine’ and ‘that belongs to others’ the person acquires enemies”- said Prahlāda.

Hearing this, Hiraṇyakaśipu roared cruelly, “O dull-witted foolish boy! You talk irrelevantly considering yourself to be very intelligent. Perhaps you have decided to die in my hands today. This is because only those who have decided to die utter such worthless words. O impudent boy! You declare that there is another Lord of the universe apart from me. If so, where is he? If he is all-pervading as you declare, then why isn’t he visible in this iron pillar?”

Prahlāda had said that the Lord is all-pervading. Although He pervades everything He remains invisible to our eyes. But yet at the same time He can make himself visible per His will. He remains the eternal witness within every object, every living entity and every breath.

“Your arrogance makes you behave impudently. For this reason, I, the Lord of the universe, shall sever your head from your body!”

The innumerable powerful boons had made Hiraṇyakaśipu self-conceited so much so that he began to consider himself the Lord of the universe and sole controller of everything. To add to this, his son had the impudence to praise Vishnu, his sworn enemy.

Thundering in uncontrollable frenzy, the demon continued, “Now when I am about to sever your head, will Srihari, whom you consider as the Lord of the universe, come and protect you?” -

Having abused his son in various abominable ways, the self-conceited and arrogant Hiraṇyakaśipu, suddenly, in uncontrollable anger, took up the sword, got up from his seat, rushed forward and vehemently banged the pillar with his fist.

The moment he banged the pillar, a loud, fearful and deafening sound reverberated in all directions. It was as if the universal egg had cracked! It was as if all the directions and all planets were collapsing! This deafening sound resounded not only on earth, but also in all the 14 planes!

Lord Brahma and other Devatas who heard this fearful sound were alarmed that their planets were crashing. They feared that all the worlds were being annihilated. This wonderful sound was unique. It was never-heard before. The commanders of the demon army trembled violently and unable to withstand its intensity, many collapsed. Many others ran helter-skelter trying to save their lives. Forests cracked. This unbelievable, wondrous, thunderous sound was unbearable to the ears!

Hiraṇyakaśipu who was determined to kill his son that day, was unable to figure out wherefrom this this sound had originated.

In order to ensure that his devotee Prahlāda’s words comes true i.e. to prove His all-pervasiveness, to ensure that the curse uttered by Sanaka and other Maharishis turns true and to fulfil the boons showered by Lord Brahma upon the demon, the Supreme Lord manifested from that pillar which was situated in the assembly!

What a wondrous form it was! It was an astonishing, never-seen-before form! It was a form that was beyond description! The form was exactly suited to match the boons granted by Lord Brahma in the past.

Was it a man or was it a lion that emerged from that pillar? It was impossible to decipher. While the feet were human, the hands were that of a lion. Neither was it a complete human form nor was it a complete animal form. That form was spitting fire fearfully. Its illumination was like blazing fire.

Hiraṇyakaśipu who was scrutinizing the assembly trying to figure the source of the sound, was baffled when he saw a unique creature emerging from the pillar. He gaped at it in astonishment. “What could this be? Never before have I seen anything like this. It is neither a man nor an animal. Which creature can have a half-human and half-lion body?” As he was observing thus in astonishment, the Supreme Lord manifested before him as Narasimha!

Om Nārasimhāya namah
