SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 02-08-2017
Bhagavatam 0404: Prahlāda explains the Supreme Essence

Prahlāda continued, “That supreme consciousness (chaitanya), due to whose presence the living entity experiences waking, dream and deep sleep states, exists as Paramātma. As a result of the past fruitive activities (karma phala), the traits of purity (sattva) cause the awakened state (jāgrat), traits of action (rajas) cause the dream state, while the traits of ignorance (tamas) cause the deep-sleep state in the intellect (buddhi)”.

Swamiji explains: Please listen attentively. Repeated listening is essential to grasp this subject.

“The Self eternally exists as the witnessing consciousness (sākshi chaitanya) within the intellect (buddhi). As the Self attains oneness with the intellect (buddhi), it appears as if it is undergoing these three modifications. It mistakenly believes the illusion to be real. Such oneness should be rejected wisely.

Just as wind is identified based upon the smell it carries, the Supreme Lord should be recognised as the witnessing consciousness (sākshi chaitanya) who is illumining these modifications within the intellect.

This association with the intellect (buddhi) causes the Self to acquire the never-ending bondage known as cycle of repeated re-births. The three attributes of Nature (trigunas) and the fruitive actions ensure that this cycle of re-births continues perpetually”.

Prahlāda who was sitting in his mother’s womb was attentively listening to this teaching imparted by Maharishi Nārada. He now explains the same to his classmates.

“This world, although appearing to be real, is in reality non-existent. It is as illusory as a dream. The transformation undergone by the three attributes (trigunas) is itself action. The seeds of these actions lies in spiritual ignorance (ajnana). Lack of discriminatory knowledge between Self (ātma) and non-Self (anātma) objects is the root for spiritual ignorance. With this understanding, aspirants should strive to burn the seeds of spiritual ignorance. This is known as Yoga. Bringing to an end the modifications undergone by the intellect is Yoga!

**Tatropāya-sahasrāṇām ayaṁ bhagavatoditaḥ Yad īśvare bhagavati yathā yair añjasā ratiḥ

There are various methods by which the seeds called spiritual ignorance can be burnt. However the Lord has directly specified one method. In this method love for Supreme Lord automatically arises due to adherence to the specified duties (dharmas). This is bhakti!

Serving the Spiritual Guru with absolute devotion, surrendering everything to Him, associating with holy saints, worshipping the Lord, showing absolute dedication towards divine stories, singing His glories, meditating upon His lotus feet and worshipping His idols are the various devotional techniques. Through these techniques devotion towards the Lord gets strengthened.

With the belief that the Supreme Lord, who is the ruler of this entire universe, resides within every living entity, objects loved by that entity should be offered to it with extreme love and respect.

Spiritual aspirant should strive to conquer the six inner enemies i.e. lust and other desires (kāma), anger (krodha), greed (lobha), infatuation (moha), arrogance (mada) and envy (mātsarya).

Using the techniques mentioned above, if devotion is developed towards the Supreme Lord Srihari, then deep love towards Him will be generated. **By listening to the transcendental qualities of the Supreme Lord, the divine sports which He playfully enacted during His incarnations, and His infinite prowess, the devotee experiences horripilation throughout his body and profusely sheds tears of joy. Due to bliss enjoyed, his voice falters. Immersed in bliss he sings loudly and dances without any inhibition. **

Like a man possessed by a ghost, he laughs sometimes and weeps at other times. At times, he meditates and at other times he offers obeisance to people. Fixing his mind solely upon the Lord who resides as his Self, he breathes heavily while endlessly calling Him ‘Srihari, Jagannatha, Nārāyana’.

When the devotee reaches this stage in devotion, he is freed from all bondages. His mind and body obtain supreme transcendental qualities. While he wanders in the universe, due to devotion he would have totally forgotten about its existence. The grace of the Lord flows unendingly towards such devotee!

Due to this concentrated devotion, the subtle impressions of his past fruitive actions (vasana) as well as his spiritual ignorance (ajnana) will be totally burnt. He merges completely into that Supreme Lord who is beyond all visible determined proofs”.

How delightful are these words! Why should we complain that the Lord has not blessed us with liberation? If we put these techniques into practice automatically we will be blessed with liberation, isn’t it?

“In this world, the ignorant person will be filled with innumerable impure subtle mental impressions. At every moment he will be thinking of some past impure incident”. I wish I could eat that sweet. I wish I could go there. I wish I could meet him. I wish I could abuse her. I hope they give me gifts. I wish that family would get destroyed.

“His mind will be overflowing with impure thoughts. The moment such person obtains Srihari, the Supreme Lord who is beyond all visible determined proofs, he will be freed from this vicious cycle of repeated re-births”.

Please listen to these episodes again and again. Prahlāda is explaining the Self-knowledge which he had learnt from Maharishi Nārada.

