SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 02-08-2017
Bhagavatam 0402: The birth story of Prahlāda

Prahlāda continued, “When the Supreme Lord Srihari, who is beyond time and who is the cause for this entire creation, is pleased, there is nothing that one cannot obtain. Let us therefore serve both the lotus feet of Lord Srihari and glorify His transcendental fame.

We therefore have no necessity of the rules of righteousness (dharma), material earnings (artha) and fulfilment of sensory desires (kāma) which are automatically obtained in this world, nor of ultimate liberation (moksha) sought by people.

The three goals of life known as dharma, artha and kāma; the knowledge of Vedanta, the science of law and order (danda-neeti), the science of logic (tarka) as well as the knowledge that is required for earning a living, fall within the classification of the trigunas and are described by the Vedas.** However, it is my opinion that a person should, without any desire, offer everything to the Supreme Lord who resides within as the inner Self and who causes the well-being of the person. This is more supreme.**

In the earlier eons, Lord Nārāyaṇa, who is the well-wisher of the human being (nara), imparted this pure supreme knowledge to Nārada. It is extremely difficult to be blessed with this knowledge. Only those, who possess unflinching devotion towards the Lord and who cover their body completely with the dust from the holy feet of great saints who have renounced this world will be showered with this Supreme Knowledge.

I have previously learnt from Maharishi Nārada this pure Supreme Knowledge, which can be experientially realised, and also the manner in which it is adhered to by sincere ardent devotees of the Lord. Maharishi Nārada is a supreme saint who is God-realised”- said Prahlāda.

In great astonishment the demon children enquired, “O Prahlāda, neither you nor we know any teacher apart from these two teachers who teach us here. It is impossible for you, who reside within the palace, to ever get a chance to meet Maharishi Nārada. Therefore could you please elaborate how and when you got this opportunity to meet Maharishi Nārada? Please reply appropriately such that our doubts are dispelled.”

With this the sixth chapter of the Seventh Canto comes to an end.

Seventh Canto Chapter Seven

In this chapter, the birth story of Prahlāda is explained.

Maharishi Nārada said to Emperor Yudhishthira, “O Emperor, despite his birth in the demonic clan Prahlāda was a supreme devotee of the Lord. In response to the question asked by the demon children, he recollected the preaching that I had imparted to him previously. With a charming smile, he addressed them and said,

“My dear friends, at that time when my father had proceeded to the Mount Mandara for his penance, the Devatas readied to attack the demons. In such situation, Indra and other Gods discussed as under, ‘The demon king Hiraṇyakaśipu has tormented human beings. Just as ants eat away a snake, his sins have now swallowed him’.

If a snake loses consciousness even for a little while, army of ants eat it up.

“Realizing that the Devatas were about to attack them, the demon leaders panicked that they would be swallowed. Just as they had feared, the Devatas attacked vehemently and began to mercilessly kill the demons. Fearing for their lives, the demons left behind their wives, children, friends, relatives, well-wishes, wealth, house, cattle and all other assets and fled in all directions.

In order to obtain victory over demons the Devatas destroyed the royal palace. Indra arrested my mother, the queen and was taking her away. She panicked and like a kingfisher bird wept profusely. At that moment, providence ensured Maharishi Nārada’s arrival to that spot. He addressed Indra and said, “O lord of heaven! This lady is chaste, pure and sinless. It is improper for you to abduct another’s wife. Let go of her immediately!”

Hearing this Indra replied, “O Nārada Maharishi! This lady is pregnant and carries in her womb Hiraṇyakaśipu’s child. A child who will dislike the Devatas grows in her womb. In future, the Devatas will have to tremble due to their incapacity to handle the radiance of this child-demon. As such I will keep her in my palace till her child is born. After I have finished killing him, I shall let her go.”

Maharishi Nārada replied, “The child who is to be born to her will be faultless in every aspect. He will be a supreme devotee of Lord Srihari and will offer services to Him. You cannot kill this boy who will have infinite radiance”.

Upon hearing this, Indra circumambulated and offered obeisance to my mother, who was carrying a devotee of the Lord in her womb, and went away. Maharishi Nārada then took my mother to his hermitage. Consoling her he said, ‘O Mother, please stay here fearlessly till your husband returns’. My mother agreed and fearlessly lived in the hermitage until my father completed his penance and returned”.
