SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 02-08-2017
Bhagavatam 0398: Hiranyakaśipu orders Prahlāda to be put to death

“By serving supreme saints our mind rests at the lotus feet of Lord Srihari” continued Prahlāda.

“This is because such saints transfer their energy to us. Every time we prostrate before them, they transfer a little of that energy. This transfer of energy (śaktipāta) is invisible to us. They ensure that our mind dwells in supreme bliss. Those who meditate upon supreme saints, experience overflowing bliss throughout the body such that the body horripilates. With this all sins get destroyed. Most fortunate people in this world are those who have the darshan of their Sadguru daily!”

Hearing these words, Hiraṇyakaśipu was startled. In uncontrollably fury, he forcibly threw his son from his lap to the ground. The sight of his son was distasteful to him. Anger and intolerance now held him in their grip. Due to his uncontrollable wrath, he lost control over him body and his limbs. He eyes turned blood-red. Calling his servants, he frenziedly screamed, “This boy deserves to be killed. Take him away and kill him right away! He dares to praise my enemy in my presence. From this moment, I disown him. He is no longer my son.

Disregarding his relatives who are closest to him, like a servant he worships the lotus feet of Vishnu who had killed his own uncle. Instead of bearing grudge against the murderer of his uncle, this sinful boy worships him like a dutiful servant. Due to his loyalty to the murderer of my brother, this wicked boy, who is barely 5 years old, has disowned his father and mother who have been affectionate to him.

Even a stranger who, like a medicinal herb seeks the well-being of others, can be considered like a dear son. On the other hand, when one’s own son tries to harm him, he is like a diseased person. When a limb is diseased the person amputates it, although the limb belongs to his body itself. Similarly, even though this son is born from my body he needs to be killed. He is my enemy.

A Yogi tries every possible method to control the senses (indriyas) that run hither and thither. With persistent efforts he gets them under control. Similarly, an enemy who pretends to be a well-wisher should be killed through any means, irrespective of whether he is eating, sleeping or resting. Use tactful methods and destroy this boy”.

With their red-copper beards and hair, fearful faces and sharp teeth, the servants of Hiraṇyakaśipu appeared fearsome. One would be filled with fear and could die of shock merely by seeing their faces. Such fearful soldiers were part of Hiraṇyakaśipu’s reserve emergency army. “Kill him! Do not leave him!” - screaming in this way, these soldiers pierced the mouth and tender vulnerable parts of Prahlāda’s body with their weapons.

The Supreme Lord Srihari is beyond the scope of sound. He resides within all living entities as the Self. Prahlāda fixed his mind upon this Supreme Lord. As such all their attempts to kill him turned futile. No weapon could wound him.

Achutāya namah
