SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 02-08-2017
Bhagavatam 0390: Hiranyakaśipu conquers all worlds

Adhokṣajāya namah

Maharishi Nārada continued to narrate,

“Hiraṇyakaśipu was a very arrogant and self-respecting demon. He quickly became the sole emperor of all the planetary systems. Suppressed by him, all the Devatas and other celestials had to daily bow before his feet and offer obeisance.

O emperor Yudhishthira! Barring the Trinity of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva, all other Devatas would hold gifts and serve this demon who would eternally be intoxicated due to consumption of liquor and whose intoxicated eyes would always be rolling”.

Swamiji explains: Even in wielding power there are different modes. The position can be held while displaying qualities of goodness (sattva). Here the demon was wielding his power through the medium of ignorance, arrogance (tamas). Due to the boons obtained, there was no limit to his prowess. There was none to control him. Even without obtaining any supernatural powers there are many wicked men in this world who commit atrocities. Undoubtedly they will meet a dog’s death. This is inevitable. Here this demon had obtained limitless powers from Brahma. Hence the Devatas feared him.

“He was blessed with the physical strength, mental strength and power of penance (tapo balam). Viśvavasu, Tumbura and myself had to sing the glories of this king, who had obtained the eligibility to sit on Indra’s throne through his self-efforts”- said Maharishi Nārada.

He further continued, “Gandharva, siddhas, cāraṇās, apsaras, Vidyadharas, and Maharishis had to time and again profusely sing his glories.

In addition, due to the merit of performing limitless Yagnas, his good luck only multiplied as a result of which, every celestial had to bow at his feet and render services. They had to praise him plentifully.

Furthermore, people of all castes and all stages of life performed different Yagnas and worshipped him, which the demon accepted, using his occult powers. He would accept the Yagna offerings inherently meant for the Devatas. He devoured all the results of the Yagna.

During his rule, the terrified earth used to yield crops even without tilling. Even without sowing seeds crops would germinate. Heaven fulfilled all desires. The space created many strange wonderful objects. The oceans consisting of salt, sugarcane, ghee, honey, curd, milk, wine and sweet water along with all their tributaries carried hordes of precious gems in their waves and offered them to him. Mountain valleys provided huge play grounds for him. In all seasons trees showered him with plentiful fruits, vegetables and flowers. This demon had in him the powers of all the different Guardian-deities. Such was his rule that all elements trembled seeing his might. Trees, rivers and other aspects of nature bestowed him with gifts unasked for.

Although he conquered all the directions to become the sole emperor of this universe, he failed to conquer his senses which were within. He remained their slave. He enjoyed all sensory pleasures per his whims and fancies and without any discretion. Even then he was dissatisfied”.

Swamiji explains: There was some degree of spiritual knowledge in him. Even before he set out for penance he had preached his mother and sister-in-law about developing dispassion. From his story it is evident that, even after possessing great valuable knowledge, the person who fails to control his senses, lands in hell. He will fall to the lowest depths.

“Hiraṇyakaśipu, who was previously cursed by Sanaka and other Maharishis, was totally immersed in sensory pleasures. He discarded all the tenets of the Shastras and behaved arrogantly. A long time passed.

Troubled by his harsh, wicked rule all Guardian-deities and other living entities were unhappy. There was none to give them any solace. There was none to give them any shelter or hope. At last they sought refuge under the Supreme Lord Srihari.

‘We offer obeisance to that ultimate residence where the Supreme Lord, who is the Lord of one and all and who exists as the Self within every living entity, resides. The pure, peaceful, supreme parivrajaka saints who have renounced this worldly life never return from this abode once they reach there”. The various Guardian-deities then controlled their pure minds and with absolute concentration worshipped this Lord Srihari, while sustaining on air.

Then a celestial voice was heard, which, while dispelling their fear deeply reverberated in all the directions. It said, “O Devatas, do not fear! May you be blessed with auspiciousness! Merely by listening to my voice all the living entities are showered with auspiciousness.

I am aware of the atrocities being committed by Hiraṇyakaśipu, the wicked, degraded son of Diti. I will surely put an end to these atrocities committed by this sinner who is comparable to Vena. However till then you need to exercise patience. Any person who despises Vedas, cows, Devatas, learned vedic scholars, noble sat-puruṣās, dharma (rules of righteousness) and Me, will definitely face destruction”

Sankarshanāya namah.
