SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 02-08-2017
Bhagavatam 0388: Hiranyakaśipu glorifies Lord Brahma

Nārāyanāya namah

Lord Brahma continued, “Pleased with your austerities O son of Kasyapa, I have come here to shower boons. You are a mortal living being while I am the immortal Lord. My visit will never be in vain”. Saying this, Lord Brahma sprinkled water from his water-pot (kamandalu) upon the body of Hiraṇyakaśipu which had been eaten away by ants.

The Lord revived Hiranyakaśipu, whose body was completely eaten up, and who was almost on the verge of death. Due to the power of this sacred water, Hiraṇyakaśipu emerged from the heaps of bamboo trees, wild grasses and ant-hills. His lustrous body was blazing like fire. His muscles, blood and breath were restored back to normalcy. He was sparkled like purified gold. His body, that was rendered powerful like a diamond, was filled with sensory strength, mental strength and physical strength.

Seeing Lord Brahma who was seated upon a swan in the skies, Hiraṇyakaśipu was overcome with joy. He fell flat on the ground and prostrated to Him. Tears of joy flowed from his eyes. His body was horripilated. He stood up, folded his hand and bending his head in reverence, he extolled the Lord as follows:

‘At the time of annihilation due to the influence of time, this entire created world will be covered densely with darkness called tamo guna. The Self-effulgent Supreme Lord, using His effulgence re-instates this creation once again thereafter. Through the medium of His illusory energy, which is composed of the trigunas, He manifests as earth, water and other gross elements. Through these elements He creates, sustains and annihilates these worlds. I offer obeisance to this all-pervading Supreme Lord.

Nama ādyāya bījāya jñāna-vijñāna-mūrtaye Prāṇendriya-mano-buddhi- vikārair vyaktim īyuṣe

The Supreme Lord is the primary cause for the existence of this world. Although He is Pure Consciousness (śuddha chaitanya) through the inner mind of living entities He manifests in the form of the varied distinctive knowledge that exists in this creation. It is He who manifests as the life-force (praṇa), senses, the processing mind (manas) and discriminative intellect (buddhi) in the living entities. I offer obeisance to such Supreme Lord.

O all-pervading Lord, You remain as the inner witness for all moving and non-moving objects in this creation. You are the Lord of all living entities. You are the Lord for the faculties known as memory, intelligence, mind and senses. You are the Supreme Lord who regulates the 5 gross elements, sound and other sensory perceptions linked to the gross elements and their qualities.

Vedas explain about Yagnas which are performed by priests known as udghāta, advaryu, hota and brahma. Such supreme Vedas comprise your form. You are expanding the 7 special Yagnas known as Agniṣṭoma, atyagniṣṭoma, uktyaka, śodaṣi, vājapēya, atiratra and aptoryāma. You, the omniscient all-pervading inner witness, exist as the non-dual Self within all entities. To You, who are the cause of all existences, limitations of time and place do not apply.

O Lord, you do not close your eyes. Through your various time divisions such as hours, minutes and seconds you reduce the longevity and lifespan of living entities. You are the master who determines the time period for creation, sustenance and annihilation.

You, the birthless Lord, manifest as the energy as well as the living being. You are beyond all limitations. Divisions such as moving, non-moving, cause, effect do not exist in You. There is nothing separate from You. You manifest in the form of all knowledge and all arts. The primordial energy responsible for this entire creation is another of Your forms. You are the Parabrahma who exists beyond the illusion and its trigunas.

O all-pervading Lord! This world which has emerged from You is Your gross existence. Even while residing in the ultimate residence known as Satya-loka, through this creation You experience this world through the medium of senses, mind and prana. You experience them yet You remain a witness to them all. You create this illusion. You enter into it and yet at the same time remain aloof from it. You experience all the changes that take place in the body yet You remain different from them all.

Self-knowledge is beyond the grasp of the senses. You are the form of completeness who exists beyond time. O infinite Lord, Your form which is beyond the perception of the senses pervades this entire world. You are the presiding deity for the energy of consciousness (chaitanya shakti) called knowledge as well as the energy of inertness (jada shakti) called illusion.

Govindaya namah
