SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 02-08-2017
Bhagavatam 0387: Brahma manifests before Hiranyakaśipu

Devatas, who were tortured by the heat generated from Hiranyakaśīpu’s austerities, left heaven and rushed to Brahma-loka, the residence of Brahma. Addressing Him they said, “O deva deva! O Jagannatha! We are unable to withstand the heat generated due to Hiraṇyakaśipu’s austerities. Fire is destroying the creation. Please protect this earth before the living entities who offer worship to you, perish. You are already aware of the intent with which he has undertaken these intense austerities, which are beyond the capacity of ordinary humans”.

Swamiji explains: In the past, saints used to undertake penance in the Himalayas so that the heat generated from within would be offset by the extreme cold weather outside. Shiva wears elephant skin as it absorbs the heat generated during tapas.

“O omniscient Lord, is there anything you do not know? Nevertheless, please listen to us as narrate the intent behind his austerities. Hiranyakaśipu thinks, ‘Lord Brahma has performed rigorous austerities which enabled him to create this vast universe filled with moving and non-moving objects. He resides in Satya loka, which is the most supreme among all planes of existence. Through rigorous austerities I should obtain his position in Satya-loka.

Even though body perishes the Self does not. Time eternally moves forward. Even if I need to take innumerable births over a period of time I shall be unrelenting in my austerities till I obtain the position I seek. Once I obtain that position I shall re-draft the rules of this creation in a never-before-seen method. Sinners will be elevated to heaven while meritorious, noble beings will be thrown into hell.

During final annihilation, even Vishnu-loka and Dhruva-loka merge into eternal time. Why should I seek such perishable abodes? I seek only Satya-loka and take up the position of Brahma.’ Thus, O Lord, he seeks your position. With obstinate determination he is continuing his penance.

O Lord Brahma! You are the Lord for all the worlds. Hence please take the appropriate step necessary in this situation. Please protect the world. O Lord! Your abode Satya-loka is aimed at bringing auspiciousness and in protecting Vedas and cows. Please ensure its protection.”

Hearing the pleas of the Devatas, Lord Brahma together with Dakṣa, Bhṛgu, Marichi and other Prajapatis went to the hermitage where Hiraṇyakaśipu was undertaking penance. This demon, who was performing austerities for a very long period of time, was completely covered by anthills, wild grass and bamboo grasses. Ants had eaten away his flesh, skin, blood and fat. As such he had turned invisible.

Lord Brahma, who was seated on a swan, observed this demon who was burning all the worlds with his intense austerities, and was astonished”.

Swamiji explains: When people filled with traits of goodness (sattva) undertake such penance the world become cool and calm. When demons undertake penance the world is scorched.

“Smilingly he addressed the demon and said, ‘O Son of Kashyapa! Enough of this penance! Your penance has borne fruit. I have come here to fulfill your desire. Seek whatever you want. I have observed your relentless determination and firm mental stability both of which are absolutely astonishing. Ants and insects have eaten away your body. You exist only on the strength of your bones. Never before have we seen such intense austerities. Even Maharishis have never reached these standards”.

Swamiji explains: In each Yoga (eon) death attacks differently. In the first eon people survive even after breath stops. Life continues as long as the bones exist. In the next eon people live as long as muscles exist. In this eon when breath stops, life stops.

“Who in this creation can live for 100 years without drinking water? Your penance surprises me. Pleased with you I have decided to fulfill all your desires”. Even seeking liberation is a desire. It is a healthy desire. But here demons seek desire with cruel intentions, which are unhealthy.

Narayanaya namah
