SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 02-08-2017
Bhagavatam 0379: Destruction of Earth in the hands of demons

The demons ransacked the entire earth, freely destroying villages, towns, cities, mines, bridges, establishments, gardens, fields etc. In those days bridges across rivers were not built using iron as in present period. Huge mountain rocks were used for building bridges and the bridges were designed to float in air. As the bridges were fixed with huge rocks they were unimaginably strong. Even such strong bridges were totally destroyed by demons.

Do we not know about the bridge constructed by Rama wherein huge boulders floated upon the waters? This was in the second eon (Treta yuga). If we still trace back to the first eon (Krita yuga), boulders would remain afloat even in air. The Devatas displayed such powers in those days. The engineering techniques of that ancient past are beyond imagination. The inhabitants of Earth during Krita yuga were pre-dominantly of pure traits (sattva guna). The houses built in that period did not have any foundation. The stones would be simply assembled upon the earth. They had no fear of earthquakes. The beauty that existed at that time and the excellent engineering techniques of those eras cannot be visualized by us. Each boundary wall was constructed with a single mountain rock. From this you can visualize the strength of a boundary wall. The buildings within that fortress were made of huge rocks. These mighty demons easily smashed even such mighty fortresses and buildings.

Some demons chopped coconut and other fruit yielding trees that were essential for existence. Some went and set houses and villages on fire reducing them to ashes. In this way demons went again and again around the earth destroying it completely. The Devatas who were also disturbed by this, left heaven and began to wander secretively on earth. It is better to live on earth than in heaven which was also devastated, thought the Devatas.

Swamiji explains: In the story of Tarakasura, it is said that before the arrival of Lord Subrahmanya, the Devatas who were unable to withstand the destruction caused by the demon transformed into birds and wandered in the skies. It is my belief that the birds and animal species emerged at that time. Otherwise what is the need for so many different species and sub-species within birds? The demons also transformed into enemy bird and animal species to attack the Devatas. For instance in the form of eagles, vultures they preyed upon helpless creatures. All the carnivorous wild animals were demons.

**The war between Devatas and demons has been going on since eternity. This is because it is a war between traits of goodness (sattva guna) and traits of ignorance/ inertia (tamo guna). This is the intent of the Lord. There can be no change to this rule. ** Devatas who generally refrain from coming to earth, come here whenever demons attack heavens. In normal circumstances, Gods desist from coming to earth fearing humans who constantly switch from one trait to another. A human being who displays traits of purity (sattva) suddenly switches gear and displays traits of passion (rajas) or ignorance (tamas). In those awful circumstances when they were forced to leave heaven, these Gods chose animal and bird forms to live on earth. Just as human beings are said to have descended from Brahma, the bird and animal species are descendants of these Devatas.

Demons far outnumber the Devatas. For instance, if there are 100 Devatas, there will be 1000 or more demons. Devatas therefore don disguises for their self-protection. Coming back to the story,

“Hiraṇyakaśipu who was very much aggrieved at the death of his brother completed the last rites and then pacified his nephews Śakuni, Śambara, Driṣṭa, Bhūtasantāpana, Vṛka, Kālanābha, Mahānābha, Hariśmaśru and Utkaca”.

**Swamiji explains: **When pronouncing the names of demons even if we make mistakes it is excused. But there should never be any mistakes when calling out the names of the Devatas. The Lord has given his names for the Devatas and hence they are powerful names.

Nārasimhāya namah
