SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 02-08-2017
Bhagavatam 0378: Hiraṇyakaśipu seethes in rage; demons destroy Earth

Seated in his assembly, Hiraṇyakaśipu, who was seething in anger, thundered violently, “My enemies, the insignificant Devatas, have through their services pleased Srihari, who always treats us and them as equal. Due to this, Srihari has now aligned with them. Through Him they have killed by brother.

Lord Srihari has given up His natural nature to please the Devatas. Wanting to please those who sing His glories all the time, His mind has become unsteady just like a child’s mind. He could not even come in His original form. Instead taking on the form of a wild boar He attacked my brother. Is it right on His part to tilt towards them just because they have been flattering and singing His praises? He is truly insignificant and timid.

I pledge that I shall sever the head of this Lord who has acted timidly and incorrectly. With the blood that flows profusely from that body, I shall offer oblations (tarpaṇa) to my departed brother and thus please him, who was fond of drinking blood. Only then I shall be at peace. Just as all the branches wither when a tree is butchered, when the swindler and offender Srihari is eliminated, the residents of heaven, who consider Him to be their sole refuge, will disintegrate as those tricksters cannot survive in His absence.

While I fight and eliminate Srihari, all of you should procced to earth (bhu-loka), which is flourishing under the aegis of Brahmins and warriors (kṣatriyas), and destroy it. Butcher all those who are engaged in penance (tapas), Self-study, studying of Vedas, rituals and charities.

Viṣṇur dvija-kriyā-mūlo yajño dharmamayaḥ pumān Devarṣi-pitṛ-bhūtānāṁ dharmasya ca parāyaṇam

Vedic rituals performed by Brahmins is the support for the existence of Vishnu, who is the personification of Yagna. He, who is the embodiment of righteousness, is the supreme shelter for Devatas, fore-fathers (pitr-devatas), Maharishis, all living entities and for righteousness itself!

Immediately proceed to Earth and destroy completely all those places where Vedic scholars diligently perform religious activities stipulated by the Vedas and the places where cows are protected. Chop down all the trees in those areas”- thundered King Hinranyakaśipu. Obediently the demons bowed before their king and offered obeisance to him.

In reality, demons derive great delight in tormenting others. Thrilled with this command issued by their demon king, they, who were longing to torture Brahmins and other devotees who eternally spent time for religious purposes, eagerly rushed to earth.

Some demons were desperate to taste the blood of warriors (kṣatriyas) as it was said to be tasty. They had heard that the Brahmins with their huge bellies made a sumptuous meal and hence they were eager to pounce on them. In addition to killing human beings, these demons chopped all trees on earth and swallowed them too! As it is, demons have insatiable appetites. The ample freedom granted by their king boosted their enthusiasm and with great delight they began to torture the inhabitants of earth, unhesitatingly chop and swallow them.

The inhabitants of all cities, towns as well as villages where cattle were reared were devoured. These demons did not even spare the cows and sheep. Gardens, parks and agricultural fields were destroyed beyond recognition. Houses, hermitages and resting places were demolished. Mines which contain precious stones and gems were damaged completely. Mountain-villages and forest-dwellers were also attacked. Temples and temple towers were broken.

Swamiji explains: At that point earth was glowing in prosperity. The place on earth where Vishnu resides is Bhu-vaikunṭha. The place on earth where Shiva resides is Bhu-Kailāsa. The place where Brahmin Vedic scholars chant Vedic hymns is called Brahma-loka (abode of Brahma). The place where cows are nourished and protected is the residence of the Lords of righteousness (dharma murti). The places where Yagnas and Yāgas take place is the residence for all Devatas together with their energies (śaktis). In those gardens where flowering plants and trees are protected, Devatas wander. The rivers which rush forth in all glory wash away all the sins of the inhabitants of earth and render people pure. All such rivers which are as powerful as River Ganga appear like the doorways to Vaikunṭha. These demons attacked and destroyed all such pure places. The entire earth was reduced to a cemetery. Only havoc and chaos remained.

Puruśottamāya namah
