SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 02-08-2017
Bhagavatam 0375: The four sages curse Jaya-Vijaya

Although Sanaka and other sages were supreme sages, in appearance they were like 5-year-old boys. How could the door-keepers recognize them? They would have to use their divine vision to know about the supremacy of these sages. Only when your attire, appearance and identification badge indicate your VIP status, you will get the recognition that is due. When the door-keepers Jaya and Vijaya obstructed their entry, Sanaka and other sages felt insulted.

Swamiji explains: VIPs who come in civilian attire to ashram feel offended that they are not recognized and respected. It is true that such officers are recognized in their respective offices, but how is a volunteer who works in ashram to recognize him? To add to it, the officer does not make any attempts to identify himself. He wrongly presumes that everyone will recognize him automatically. Even Swamiji fails to recognize these VIP’s when they are in civilian dress.

Likewise these sages were offended. To add to it, they also did not have any secretary with them who could introduce them to the door-keepers and highlight their supreme state. They did not even bring any disciple of theirs along with them who could speak to the door-keepers and ensure a hassle-free entry to meet Vishṇu. How then could they expect a right royal entry into the inner apartments of Maha-vishnu?

Maharishi Nārada continued, “The infuriated sages addressed the door-keepers Jaya and Vijaya saying, ‘O foolish men’!”

**Swamiji explains: **Wonder who is foolish here? Was it the door-keepers who were abiding by their duty or was it the sages who had arrived unannounced? I am explaining this in detail because the ensuing stories explain the crux. Finally perhaps we will conclude that in reality we are foolish! Remember that nothing happens without a reason.

During Navaratri celebrations, some seva-kartas consider it auspicious to get a gold coin/ mangalyam directly from Swamiji’s hands and hence would have paid for it. When all seva-kartas come in the evening queue for prasadams, these persons who have paid receive the coin from Swamiji’s hands. Seeing this other people in the queue at times get agitated –‘why is Swamiji giving them special coin?’ They create a ruckus in Swamiji’s presence. Swamiji has to send his attendants to resolve the matter. There have been instances when Swamiji has handed them the coin even without their paying for it, simply to calm them down.

Is there any meaning in simply causing commotion, quarrelling and hurling abuses at each other without understanding the facts? What is gained from it? Just as it happens in Vaikunṭha, here too in ashram such instances happen. This also becomes Vaikunṭha, that’s why such incidents take place here.

The infuriated sages said, “In Vaikunṭha there is no place for traits of passion (rajas) and ignorance (tamas). Only traits of purity and goodness (sattva) reign here.”

Swamiji explains: Why is it said that traits of action and ignorance (rajas- tamas) have no place in Vaikunṭha? Does it imply that the door-keepers have to no role to play? Are they mere puppets stationed there? What should they do when ineligible persons walk in? There is some secret contained here.

The sages continued, “Even then, disturbed by the traits of action and ignorance (rajas- tamas), you have obstructed our entry. Vaikunṭha is the place where only traits of goodness/ purity (sattva) rule. In you goodness (sattva) has depleted and traits of action and ignorance (rajas- tamas) have increased. It is for this reason that you are stopping us and are causing those traits to arise in us, when in reality we are devoid of such traits”.

This appears like a paradoxical situation.

Vamanāya namah.
