SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 02-08-2017
Bhagavatam 0374: Yudhishtira seeks to know the story of Jaya-Vijaya

Yudhisthira (Dharmaraja) then asked, “O Maharishi Nārada! Please explain to us that curse which caused these ardent devotees of Srihari, who had served the Lord after surrendering fully unto Him, to fall from their level. How can it be possible for even those devotees who are in close proximity to Srihari to be trapped in this repeated cycle of re-births (samsāra). I find it hard to believe.

These dearest devotees would perhaps have incarnated along with Srihari and are eternally associated with Him. How can they slide down to this human plane and forgetting the Supreme Essence be tormented by anger, desire and other afflictions?

Inhabitants of Vaikunṭha do not have gross bodies made up of the five elements. Nor do they have senses and life-force (praṇa). As they are devoid of human or any other form, characteristics such as complexion, height, weight, looks are absent in them. They are freed from afflictions such as hunger and thirst. They breathe only when He breathes. In every way these attendants of Mahavishnu resemble Him. What caused these attendants to slide down to human plane? O revered Maharishi, you alone are capable of enlightening us.”

Maharishi Nārada replied, “O Dharmaraja! Once upon a time in the past, the four mind born sons of Lord Brahma viz., Maharishis Sanaka, Sanandana, Sanat-kumara and Sanat-sujata, who were wandering through the three worlds, perchance arrived in Vishṇu-loka. It was as if their arrival was per divine will.

These four saints eternally remain like 5-year-old boys. Apart from the loincloth their bodies are bare. These four supreme saints, who were born exactly when creation commenced, are elder to Marici and other Prajāpatis (lords of people). However, mistaking them to be ordinary children, the door-keepers of Vaikunṭha barred their entry. When the door-keepers prevented them from entering, the infuriated sages cursed them”.

Swamiji explains: Here the door-keepers were merely abiding by their duty. This problem is perhaps quite common in this world. VIPs or people in power at times arrive without any intimation, without a badge or ID card indicating their influential position in their organization. The volunteers in ashram fail to recognize them as VIPs. When the volunteers obstruct their direct entry and ask them to abide by the rules, they get infuriated, “Do you not know that I am from the press? Or do you not know I am so and so? How dare you block my path?”- they scream. How is the volunteer to recognize every VIP who arrives? Contrary to this, police officers dutifully wear their badge which indicates their name and position. Saints wear saffron clothing which acts like their badge. Harikatha artistes (traditional story-tellers) can be identified from their style of dressing. **To be frank, every person who calls himself a Hindu should apply tilak (kumkum, bottu) on his forehead. **
