SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 02-08-2017
Bhagavatam 0373: It is important to develop single-pointed concentration towards the Lord

We have discussed that Emperor Parikshit wanted to know why demons Dantavaktra and Śiśupala, who abused the Lord up to the moment of their death, merged into Him upon death.

Gopikas out of their desire to merge into Him and Kamsa out of fear that Krishna will come and attack him, concentrated upon the Lord night and day. There was no other thought in Kamsa’s mind. He was petrified of his wife and servants fearing that Krishna may have come disguised as them. He had literally given up food fearing that Krishna may have poisoned it. He was reluctant to allow anyone to enter his residential quarters suspecting them to be Krishna’s messengers. He even went to the extent of suspecting all the immobile lifeless objects to be Krishna’s magical appearances. He was scared of his bed, throne, ring, slippers suspecting that Krishna had magically entered into them. He walked about naked at times, scared that Krishna may have sprinkled magic potion on his clothes.

We are unable to rise to those standards. We fail to fix our mind entirely upon Him.

Narada said to Yudhishthira, “Śiśupala and other kings too obtained the Lord, due to their deep hatred for Him. Yadavas merged into Him due to their relationship with Him. With friendship you have obtained Him. With devotion we have reached Him.

On the contrary, King Vena did not have any among the five types of devotion. He was only filled with desires. He had no focus upon God. Hence this terrible sinner he was thrown into hell. He considered himself equal to God.

O Yudhisthira! Śiśupala, the king of Chedi, was your first cousin. He and his brother Dantavaktra were the primary attendants of Lord Mahavishnu, who due to being cursed by Sanaka and other Maharishis, fell from Vaikunṭha”.

Yudhisthira (Dharmaraja) then enquired, “O Maharishi Nārada! Please explain to us that curse which caused these ardent devotees of Srihari, who had served the Lord after surrendering fully unto Him, to fall from their level.”

Achuytaya namah
